Les marques citées sont des marques déposées par leur fabricant respectif. Photos et
caractéristiques non contractuelles. Garantie : 1 an. Fabriqué en RPC.
All brands or product names are or may be trademarks of their respective owners. Pictures and
specifications are not contractual. 1 year warranted. Made in PRC.
De vermelde merken zijn gedeponeerde merken door hun respectievelijke producent. Foto's en
kenmerken niet contractueel. Geproduceerd in China. Garantie: 1 jaar.
Die zitierten Marken sind durch die jeweiligen Hersteller eingetragene Marken. Fotos und
technische Daten sind unverbindlich. Hergestellt in China. Garantie: 1 Jahr.
The explanations contained in this User Manual are provided for information purposes only and
may be subject to modification, without prior notice. SAS PNJ cannot be held responsible directly or
indirectly for any prejudice or loss of data resulting from an error or omission from this document.
SAS PNJ reserves the right to modify the product and its operating instructions without any
restriction or obligation to inform the user. Thus, the purchased product may differ somewhat from
the one described in this document. The latest version of the online User Guide prevails over this one.
To obtain it, go to: www.pnj.fr