For example:
to set the first auto disarm to 07:15 sens SMS: 8888360715# .
Enable/disable auto arm/disarm:
send SMS: programming pa [39] + [0/1]
+ # (0 - disable / 1 - enable).
Alarm relay
To enable/disable relay on alarm send SMS:
programming pa [82] +
[0/1] + # (0 - disable / 1 - enable).
Security dispatch settings - support ADEMCO protocol
Dispatch phone number -
this is a number given by the dispatch used to send alarm
info to the security team. To set this phone number select „Ademco contact“ app
option or send SMS: programming pa [50] + dispatch phone #.
User ID
- this is also given by the security dispatch to identify your alarm system. . To
set this ID select „Ademco contact“ app option or send SMS: programming password
+ [78] + User ID (4 digits) + # .
Report alarm to dispatch
- select „Ademco contact“ app option or send SMS:
programming password + [73] + [1/0] + # (0 - disable / 1 - enable).
Report arm/disarm to dispatch
- select „Ademco contact“ app option or send SMS:
programming pa [74] + [1/0] + # (0 - disable / 1 - enable).
Wireless siren
Enable/disable wireless siren communication
- select „Other functions“ app
option or send SMS: programming pa [41] + [0/1] + # (0 - disable / 1 - enable).
Encode wireless siren
- select „Other functions“ app option or send SMS:
programming pa [43] + Encode number (4 digits) + # . The default encode
number is „0000“.
Enlist wireless siren -
the alarm system can only command the enlisted sirens. To
enlist a wireless siren in the alarm system set the siren in programming mode (see
siren user manual) then press disarm button on the alarm remote control to send a
signal from the alarm system to the siren. The siren will receive the signal and will
confirm the enlisting with a short beep.
Operating/programming the system by voice call
All above settings can be made by placing a phone call to the phone number on
the SIM card in the control unit. When the system an wers your call you will be asked to
input programming password then the command you want. The default programming
password is 8888.
Even more, there are some simple settings you can do by phone call only using
operation password. These settings are as follows (after password input the number of
the command you want):
[1] - the system will stop the siren and rearm, without contacting other phone numbers.
[2] - the system will stop the siren and disarm, without contacting other phone numbers.
[3] - the system will stop the siren and open monitor fun tion for 30 sec, without
contacting other phone numbers. If you want to monitor another 30 sec press 3 again.
[4] - the system will stop the siren and open intercom fun tion for 30 sec, without
contacting other phone numbers. If you want to monitor another 30 sec press 4 again.