10. Please describe what happens if gate hits an obstacle?
If photocell are not conected or not working then gate will hit obstacle and it will stop
according to the stall force set from dedicated menu. Please chech photocells for working
when finishing installation.
If the gate has installed working photocells, and gate closes, photocell will detect the obstacle,
stop the gate and reopen gate.
11. How does P9 setting work ? When is this setting available? For what
If activated and set a timer the function will close gate after the configured time. Function
is available only for: remote controll command , Com + 1Side or COM + 2Side wired
commands. If obstacle appears between photocells, the gate will stop and open again. The
closing procedure will start as soon as the obstacle is removed from photocells.
11. How does P6 setting work ? When is this setting available? For what
This auto-close timer is available only if Open gate command comes from COM+Swipe
card wired device. If obstacle appears between photocells, the gate will stop and open again.
The closing procedure will start as soon as the obstacle is removed from photocells.