1) Software
Sign on to the computer under a user with Administrator credentials.
Locate the exe file “BlackWhiteController1vXXX.exe” provided by PMT
or your equipment provider (possibly in a zip file that will need to be
extracted before proceeding.
In the Program Files (x86) folder
Create a “PMT” folder and in that folder create a “BWC” folder
Place the exe file in the “BWC” folder
Place a shortcut to the exe file into the Startup folder of the Windows
Start menu.
Under Win7
Click on the Start button
Right-click on the All Programs item and select “Open All
Double-click on the Programs Folder
Double-click on the Start up Folder
Place a shortcut to the application in the Start-up folder
Give the program the ability to run as an administrator for
all users by right clicking on the shortcut and using
Properties -> Compatibility -> Change settings for all users
Under Windows XP the procedure is similar
Under Windows 8 and 10 locate the user Startup folder and
place a shortcut to the exe file