To keep the influence of inaccurate taps small,
the average values are constantly calculated. This
means that with an increasing amount of taps the
influence on the phase is larger. When you stop
tapping, the phase shift ceases. However, single
taps still have a certain influence.
Keep in mind that ONE.2
is an instrument and
exact tapping has to be
learned in the same way
that correct timing has to
be learned when play-
ing other instruments.
technical data:
MIDI clock from second tap on the foot switch
If “phase correction” is on: MIDI Start on the first “1”
(after 96 clocks), MIDI Stop when turning off
tempo range: 35 – 210 bpm
calculation exactness: 24bit, +/- 2 microseconds
Powered via a USB power supply or USB device connector
(keyboard or computer)
the usB plug is only for power supply, there’s no further
USB MIDI functionality
Imprint, English version, August 2018, All rights reserved. Without the written permission of the
manufacturer, this brochure may not be reproduced in any way whether in full or in part, nor may
it be copied or adapted by use of any electronic, mechanical or chemical processes. It is possible
that the brochure may include printing errors or omissions. However, the details in this brochure are
regularly checked and any necessary corrections are included in the text edition. We are unable to
accept any responsibility for technical or printing errors or for the consequences of any such errors.
Copyright and trademark protected. Layout by Klaus J. Frauenholz, Berlin. In the event of scientific or technical
advances, we reserve the right to make changes to the product without giving prior notice.
Ploytec GmbH - Fahrnauerstr. 64 - 79650 schopfheim - Germany, www.ploytec.com