2) If your SCSI interface board is not on NT’s list of supported hardware, you
must contact your board’s manufacturer and request an NT software device
driver (see listing of key contacts on page 62).
3) Run NT’s Setup program to add support for your SCSI interface board. Select
‘‘Add/Remove SCSI Adapters . . .’’ from the menu. Choose your SCSI inter-
face board from the list or, alternately, add the driver you obtained from
your SCSI interface board manufacturer.
4) Shut down your system and connect your UltraPleX to the SCSI controller.
5) Power ON your computer and your UltraPleX drive should now be visible
to the system.
Windows NT Troubleshooting Tip
If you have difficulty getting NT to recognize your CD-ROM drive and SCSI interface
board, you should first verify that all of your hardware is operating properly.
This is best done by installing DOS. If your system also does not work under DOS,
you probably have a hardware problem that needs to be resolved before you can go
any further. If your system works under DOS, but not NT, review your device driver
installation and verify that the SCSI interface board device driver and CD-ROM
support (step #4, above) are loaded correctly.
CHAPTER 9 ---- Software Installation