4. General instructions about the safety
We have pointed out already in the introduction how important it is to mind all points
of this instuction. You should especially be aware of the regulations and laws in
connection with the product liability and insurance requests.
– The Operation and maintenance manual has to be always in the near of the place
of employment. It contains important and essential aspects and extracts from the
relevant standards and precautions. Any non-observance of the guide lines and
hints out of this manual may lead to injuries or even to the death of the user of hoist
or other innocent persons.
– In addition to this operation and maintenance manual there are National standards,
laws and common safety sences to mind and to follow. Have also polution and
accident prevention regulations in mind! It could also be your obligation to wear
special protection suits or to use special tools and safety devices for handling of
dangerous loads.
– Any working with this hoist and trolley assumes and implies the observance of the
local accident prevention regulations and the consequently action according these
– Even then, following up all of this, there could be more danger from untrained or
not special advised workers using this hoist/trolley not in the sense of its originated
purpose. Please make sure that only people with education and clear senses will
use it.
– Please add to this chapter the instructions given by your company, i.e. regarding
daily inspections, test procedures, working processes, records, and all instructions
you think that they are helpfull to prevent accidents.
– All staff who will work with this lifting equipment must read this booklet prior the
use of the hoist, especially the chapter about the safety instructions. This is too late
during the operation of the hoist! This is valid especially for the use of hoists only
through inspection periods or when doing seldom maintenance work with the hoist.
– Responsible personal shall check frequently whether the staff working with the hoist
is doing it in accordance with the safety instructions.
– The owner of the hoist or of the company and his management are responsible
for the good condition and for completeness of all necessary safety devices at the
hoist and that it is used only in a safe manner. The Test booklet must be properly
held and it has to contain the anual inspection check. We recommend to sign a
maintenance contract with PLANETA who can inspect, maintain and repair your
equipment periodicly.
– Please set any chain hoist or trolley out of order if a failure appears in function.
Call for designated help!
– The personal who works with the hoist, shall not bear long open hair, loose suits or
juwels including rings. That could effect danger of injuries or that something can be
pulled into the hoist.
– Safety tags, stickers and other attached instructions at the hoists like name plates
are not allowed to be replaced, removed or overpainted. All written, printed or
stamped letters and safety instructions have to be held in good readable condition.
Use grease or other protection if necessary!