Command Guide of WGSW-28040
Global Configuration
Privileged Configuraiton
Usage Guide:
The “show lldp” and “show lldp interface” command displays LLDP global information including LLDP enable status,
LLDP PDU TX interval, hold time multiplier, re-initial delay, TX delay, and LLDP packet handling when LLDP is
disabled. The per port information displayed includes port LLDP RX/TX enable status, selected TLV to TX and IP
address. The abbreviations in optional TLVs are: port description (PD), system name (SN), system description (SD),
and system capability (SC).
This example displays lldp information of port gi1 and gi2
show lldp interfaces gi1,gi2
State: Disabled
Timer: 30 Seconds
Hold multiplier: 4
Reinit delay: 2 Seconds
Tx delay: 2 Seconds
LLDP packet handling: Flooding
Port | State | Optional TLVs | Address
-------- + ------ + -------------- + --------
gi1 | RX,TX | PD, SN, SD, SC |
gi1 | RX,TX | |
Port ID: gi1
802.3 optional TLVs: 802.3-mac-phy, 802.3-lag, 802.3-max-frame-size, management-addr
802.1 optional TLVs
PVID: Enabled
Port ID: gi2
802.3 optional TLVs:
802.1 optional TLVs
PVID: Enabled
4.13.19 show lldp local-device