User’s Manual of WGR-500-4P and WGR-500-4PV
4.2.6 Date and Time
This section assists you in setting the system time of industrial wall-mount Gigabit router. You can either select to
set the time and date manually or automatically obtain the GMT time from Internet as shown
Figure 4-20
Figure 4-20:
Date and Time
Time Zone Select
Input current time manually.
Time Zone Select
Select the time zone of the country you are currently in. The router will set its time
based on your selection.
Enable NTP Client
Check to enable NTP update. Once this function is enabled, router will
automatically update current time from NTP server.
NTP Server
User may select NTP sever or input address of NTP server manually.
Press this button to save changes.
Save & Apply
Press this button to save and apply changes.
Press this button to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously
saved values.
Press this button to refresh the page