3.3 Configuration via Serial Port
Using a serial terminal, the IKVM-8000 has a serial line interface (host side). This
connector is compliant with the RS 232 serial line standard. The serial line has to
be configured with the parameters given as below.
Parameter Value
Bits/second 115200
Data bits
Parity No
Stop bits
Flow Control
When configuring with a serial terminal, press the reset button of IKVM-8000 and
immediately press the “ ESC ” key on the keyboard of administrative PC. You will
see some device information, and a “ => ” prompt. There are four commands
start configuration tool after boot up
: set the device settings to factory defaults
print online help
perform a soft reset
When using “config” command, the following interactive options will appear:
IP auto configuration (non/dhcp/bootp) [dhcp]:
With this option, you can specify whether the IKVM-8000 should get its
network settings from a DHCP or BOOTP server. For DHCP, enter “dhcp”,
and for BOOTP enter “bootp”. If you do not specify any of these, the IP auto
configuration is disabled and subsequently you will be asked for the
following network settings.
IP []:
This is the current IP address of the IKVM-8000. This option is only
available if IP auto configuration is disabled.
Net mask []:
This is the net mask of the connected IP subnet. This option is only
available if IP auto configuration is disabled.
Gateway ( for none) []: