3.8 Advanced
The WL-8315 provides more advanced parameters in Windows Device Manager. You can find the
Advanced configuration following the step A to D in section 3.7. Please check below to know the
function of the settings.
The chipset manufacturer reserves those functions in red for future use. Those options are not
effective on WL-8315.
AdHoc Wireless Mode
Select B/G mixed or Pure B mode
Auto Channel Select
Not applicable on WL-8315.
Auto Reconnect Mode
Auto connecting to AP when disconnected.
B/G protection
To avoid collision when B mode station and G mode station exist
CAM when AC power
When use AC power, it doesn't enter into sleep mode.
Country Region 11A
Not applicable on WL-8315.
Country Region 11G
Supporting 11G Channel for different country.
Frame Threshold
To enhance throughput when traffic is high.
Frame Aggregation
To ehhance throughput when traffic is low.
IEEE 802.11h
Not applicable on WL-8315.
Local Administration MAC...
Using different MAC address if wanted. This MAC address will not
write to EEPROM. It is only used in run time.
Network Type
Selecting Infrastructure or AdHoc mode.
Power Saving Mode
Selecting different power mode.
Radio On/Off
RF switching.
RTS threshold
To prevent hidden node.
AP's broadcast name.
WMM capable
Please refer to section 3.7.