program the PPPoE information first, and then connect to the xDSL modem. Power on again,
then the device will dial on to the ISP connect to the WAN through the xDSL modem.
The procedures are
• Connect to a LAN by DHCP or Fixed IP
• Access the device, enter
as below
Enable PPPoE:
To enable or disable the PPPoE service here.
User name (PPPoE):
Type the user name for the PPPoE service which is provided by ISP.
Password (PPPoE):
Type the password for the PPPoE service which is provided by ISP.
IP Address / Gateway:
It will display IP address and gateway that ICA-312 gets a dynamic IP
from ISP, when ICA-312 each dials up success.
Notify by E-Mail:
If enable this function, then the “SMTP Server” and “E-mail To” field need to
be filled.
E-mail To:
Type the receiver’s e-mail address. This address is used for replay mail.
Type the sender’s E-mail address.
Type the server name of SMTP server.
Set port number of SMTP service.
Need Authentication:
If the mail server needs authentication, then choose the option “On”.
Also the password information needs to be inputted.
User name:
Type the user name for the SMTP server.
Type the password for the SMTP server.