LC1200R User’s Guide
021-0183-00 Rev A
28 of 29
Hours: M-F, 7:00am - 4pm CET
Glossary of Terms
Aspect Ratio: The ratio of width to height of a display surface. The standard television aspect ratio is 4:3.
Back Porch: The portion of a composite display signal which lies between the trailing edges of a horizontal sync
pulse and the corresponding blanking pulse.
Black Level: The display-signal level corresponding to a specified limit for black peaks.
Blanking: The process of decreasing (or increasing) the display-signal level so that no visible retrace will appear
on the display screen.
Blanking Level: The level of a composite display signal which separates the range containing display information
from the range containing synchronizing information. Also called the pedestal level, or blacker-than-black.
Brightness: A psycho-physiological attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to emit or reflect
more or less light. Its psycho-physical, photometric equivalence is luminance.
Candela-per-meter-squared [cd/m2]: The international unit of luminance (same as nits).
Chrominance: The colorimetric difference (dominant wavelength and purity) between any color and a reference
"white" of equal luminance. In three-dimensional CIE color space, chrominance is a vector which lies in a plane of
constant luminance.
Chromaticity: The color quality of light which is defined by its dominant wavelength and purity (see
Chromaticity Value: The scalar value of any one component of a three-component color (also called a tristimulus
value). The unit value of each component is the amount of that component added to the other two components
to produce a reference "white".
Color Saturation: A psycho-physiological measurement of the degree to which a color appears to be free of
white light.
Color Temperature: The temperature to which a black body must be heated to produce a color matching that of
the source.
Contrast: The ratio between the maximum and minimum luminance values of a display.
dB (Decibel): A measure of the ratio of two signals. The dB value is 20 x log10 of a voltage or current ratio or 10 x
log10 of a power ratio.
Foot-Candle [fC]: A unit of illumination equal to the illumination which occurs when uniformly distributed
luminous flux is impinging on an area at a rate of one lumen per square foot.
Foot-Lambert [fL]: A unit of luminance equal to the uniform luminance of a perfectly diffusing surface emitting
or reflecting luminance flux at the rate of one lumen per square foot.
Front Porch: The portion of a composite display signal which lies between the leading edges of a horizontal
blanking pulse and the corresponding sync pulse.
Gray Scale: Variations in the luminance value of "white" light, from black to white. Shades of gray are defined as
gray-scale graduations that differ by the square root of 2.
Illuminance: The density of luminance flux impinging on a surface. It is the quotient of the flux divided by the
"apparent" or projected area of the surface.
Image: A displayed view of one or more objects or parts of objects.
Lambert: A unit of luminance equal to the uniform luminance of a perfectly diffusing surface emitting or
reflecting light at the rate of one lumen per square centimeter.