59324 V0605
Launch Practice
The Impulse GII can be used to hone launching skills without actually firing cars off the line . This is
a useful activity for perfecting the launch technique and reducing reaction time .
To conduct a launch practice, skip the entire prelaunch setup process . Proceed with the manual
launch as described in Steps 1-4 on page 9 . The start gate will display reaction times for both lanes .
The finish time windows will continue counting until the Reset button is pressed . Both launch trig-
gers must be activated before the system will reset .
After the Launch
As the cars reach the end of the track, they should strike the towels and come to a safe halt .
Finish End
1 . Move the towels aside and roll the cars to the end of the parking area .
2 . Replace the towels in their position just behind the finish gate .
Start End
3 . Lift the launch pods and roll the next pair of
staged cars to the starting line (Figure 19) .
4 . Follow Steps 5-7 of the prelaunch setup
procedure on page 7 to prepare the next pair of
cars .
To prevent possible injury from an
accidental launch, do not cock the launch pods until
the finish crew has signaled they are ready (having
completed Steps 1 and 2) .
5 . When the prelaunch setup is complete, press the
Reset button to start the next launch sequence .
Figure 19