4. Apply glue in the
notches on the
underside of the
dragster. Place the
Part 1 and 2 assemblies
into these notches so
the axle holes are closer
to the dragster’s nose
(Figure 4). Be sure not
to get glue into the
axle holes. Before the glue dries, tighten the screws into
the predrilled holes on the underside of the Part 1 and 2
assemblies. Let the dragster dry completely.
5. Take Part 5 and glue it over the four pieces that extend
from the back of the dragster. Make sure the wide
notches line up with the basswood body pieces and the
narrow notches line up with Part 4 (Figure 5).
6. If you wish to finish the dragster, do so at this time. You
can sand down the edges for a smoother look and apply
coats of paint or another finish as desired.
7. Screw in the screw eyes under the body. The screw eyes
go on the lowest points on the underside of the dragster.
One goes in front of the rear wheel axle holes (Figure 5)
and the other before of the front wheel axle holes. Make
sure the screw eye is centered on the thickness of the
body, and that it is inserted straight into the wood so the
point of the screw eye does not poke out the side of the
body. The holes of the screw eye should face the length of
the body. Tip: If you have trouble getting the screw eyes in, try making a small hole with
a small nail or T-pin where the screw eye will go, and then put in the screw eye.
Adding the Axles and Wheels
1. Remove the axle bushings from the font and remove any burrs with sandpaper. Push an axle bushing
into each axle hole on the dragster (Figure 6). Make sure the wide end of the bushing is on the outside
of the dragster body.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Part 5
Screw eye
EZ Build Dragster Kit User Guide 33104 V0812
Figure 6
Axle bushings
Axle bushings
Dragster back
Dragster front