Der Wiener Roaster UG 59019 V0210
2. Place the two foil-wrapped hot dogs in the cooking tube.
Place the cooking tube into the cooker by inserting it into the
hole on the side of the heat collection unit.
Caution: Though there is a shield over the cooking tube, be
very careful not to touch it. It is very hot and will burn.
3. Position the cooker so it is facing the Sun.
4. Notice the solar angle indicator
on the side of the unit. The unit
should be positioned and
angled so the sunlight shines
through the hole in the
front of the indicator and is
projected on the recessed
circle on the rear surface
of the indicator (see figure
at right). This will ensure the
cooker is positioned to optimize
the heat energy from the Sun’s rays.
Use the T-handle located on the side of the stand to secure
the heat collection unit at the proper angle.
5. Periodically check the hot dogs to make sure they don’t
overcook. To do so, remove the cooking tube – being very
careful not to touch its surface – and peer into the open end.
When the hot dogs are done, they will be somewhat plumper
than before and you will smell their aroma.
6. When the hot dogs are done, remove them from the tube by
turning the tube upside down. You may need to gently tap
the tube on a table surface if the hot dogs plumped a great
deal during cooking. Unwrap the hot dogs, get some buns,
ketchup, mustard, and relish – and enjoy!
*Always use safe food preparation and handling practices.