1E42/ W1110 Printer Installation via
USB Connection
Right, let’s get your Printer up and running
Let’s first get together the things you will need:
The box containing your 1E42/ W1110 Printer.
A Welcome Email from Pitney Bowes containing your SendPro®
Log in details.
A Mac on which you have full admin rights to allow downloading and
installing software.
2 available USB ports on your Mac.
If you have not received the email from Pitney Bowes, do not go any further
with this installation. Please visit
for contact details.
1. Opening the box and unpacking
Here are diagrams and explanations of the items you should find in your
box. Please select the correct power cable for your location.
If you have any problems during this installation, refer to
1E42/ W1110 Printer and SL-397-D Scale
If you have ordered a 1E42/ W1110 Printer on it's own, you will not
receive the SendKit SL-397-D Scale in the box.
Power Cord and Network Cable (the Network cable is not used for
USB Installation).
2. Signing into SendPro®
Sign into SendPro® using the link in the welcome email.
Pitney Bowes
Installation Instruction June, 2020
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