Pioneer TX-130L HB Service Manual Download Page 17

Summary of Contents for TX-130L HB

Page 1: ...Removethe Top cover 3 Change the connection wire for power trans former of terminal No 12 and terminal No 11 of Switch assemblyA asfollows Voltage Terminal No 12 Terminal No 11 220V Greenwire Bluewire 240V Bluewire Greenwire 4 Stick the line voltage label on the rear panel PartNo Description AAX 193 AAX 192 MODELTX 130LCOMESIN TWOVERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS Type Voltago Remarks H E 22OY and2...

Page 2: ...Input 300ohms balanced 75 ohms unbalanced LW Tuner Section Sensitivity lHF external antenna 45 p V Selectivity 25 dB Signal to Noise Ratio 50d B lmageResponse Ratio 40dB lF Response Ratio 7 0d B Antenna AccessoryAM looPantenna MW Tuner Section Sensitivity lHF external antenna 30pV Selectivity 25d8 Signal to Noise Ratio 50dB lmageResponse Ratio 40 dB lF Re sp o n se Ra tio 70dB Antenna AccessoryAM ...

Page 3: ... pickup the stations FM MW or LW rurucfloN swlTcHEs FM MWor LW Depress the FM switchfor listening to FM broadcasts Depress the MW switchfor listening to MW broadcasts Depress the LW switchfor listening to LW broadcasts rneouENcY scALE This indicates the frequency of the broadcasting station FM MW and LW The top levelfigures 88 1081 indicatethe FM frequencies The center levelfigures 55ru160 indicat...

Page 4: ...tor amplifier element and IF system IC PA3001 A which incorporates the IF limiter amplifier FM detector ffid the FM muting circuit FM Multiplex StereoDecoder The stereo decoder stage employs an FM MPX IC HA1L56W P while the subcarrier signals frequencies above 19kHz are removed by an 18dB oct active filter consisting of a PNP tran sistor This active filter also servesas an amplifier for frequencie...

Page 5: ...ical designation o For your Parts Stoch Control the fast moving items are indicated with the marhs and GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN This classification shall be adjusted by each distributor becauseit depends on model number temperature humidity etc KnobB FMMUTING AAD48O GA t i Panelstay assembly ANR 522 Knob TUNINGI AAA O79 Terminal2P OUTPUT AKB O77 AC powercord ADG 062 HE typsl ADG 063 HB typel Tu...

Page 6: ...r N u t M 7 Fuse T630mA Panel stay assembly Dial pointer assembly Tuning shaft assembly Screw Power transformer Foot assembly A 21 ADG 062 ADG 063 22 GwE 186 5 1 52 53 54 55 AC power cord HE typel AC power cord HB type Tuner assembly Switch assemblyA Switch joint Pulley assembly Plate LED assembly Switch assemblyB Smoother Pulley holder Switch assembly C Chassis Rear panel Tuningdrum Pulley assemb...

Page 7: ...l llr rPl lr ul l o o l l I l o F F I F U N C T I O N SWITCHASS 3 r fu y ri _ fr l li r e l L fi t1 V ffi ffi ffii tm ii3 iiiil L 3 1 ffi 4J lfi R c3 R30a R30 rl Cao F 9vRr5K U 5 e tf tlSi Wzr 1 50 cao6 r t 4 0 33 50 C oa2J o 4 0 4 50 r Cao o F c319 0041 4 A47150 l l o nfl i S 5 l lV erFo 44 ll oll i zz o ii i 11 3 l i l7 or e r i l rt l J m _nffi x 1 l l l s ts 3Jig d tHgf d5 lruql m ffi i tP sti...

Page 8: ...6 5 TUNERASS YGWE 186 Q 7 A swtTcH Ass Y B SWITCHASS Y A B C F U N C T I O N SWITCHASS Y C D 6 5 4 MUTING MOOE Q60r2SArO4srAr Q60225C2458 tAt ...

Page 9: ...X r 9 0 oil r i l ac2zov_ f l i g ll soraowt j g ll a L I __9ll I asc rre d sr L_ __ __ i cFil f 1630nA 4 A E K _ 4 0 6 o qt d ACrcWER CORO A o G O 6 2 J s 2 l SWITCH Ass y A S W I T C H A s s y C 3 2 8 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM T U N E R A s s y G W E 1 8 6 _ _ 75n A Qi 2SKI6A q2 2SC535 FM UNBAL V t L3 14 fC2 300l 9AL FM l 75O UNBAL L __ AM LOOP ANT L Rr9 390 cr6 F r ao22 D D I ust035 Q i r 2 s c 9 4 5 A...

Page 10: ... SoV except elctrolytic csp itor 3 VOLTAGE f DCvohage V 6t no input signal signat vottageat FM itooHz 75kH DEV 4 OTH RSl A AdjustingFint The I mark f nd on sme componenr p6ns indicatG the ih pon nce of the sfety lactor ot the pen Thercfore when rcplacing be src to ue pani of identicaldsignation This is the basic hematic diagram but the eruat circuit may vary due to improvementsin d6ign swtTcHES Sl...

Page 11: ...2 0EA471M25L C403 0EA221M25L C404 cEA R33M50L C306 cEA R47M50L C206 C308 C316 C318 C319 cEA 010M50L C110 C307 cEA 100M50L C102 C219 C220 C223 C309 cl09 OEA220M25L C214 cEA 330M16L C209 cEA 470M10L C107 C205 cEA 470M 25L C407 cEA 101M25L C405 cEA 221M16L C301 cEA 2R2M 50L C224 cosA 331K 50 C203 cosA 51lJ 50 C305 cosA 121K50 C201 RESISTORS Note Whenordering resistors conuert the resistanceualue into...

Page 12: ... 076 2 ADH Oo4 3 ADE 015 4 ARE O33 AR8 486 5 AHA 296 6 AHA 297 7 AHE O42 Antenna assembly T type FM antenna Cord Operatinginstructions HEl English German French Italian Operatinginstructions HB English Front pad Rear pad Packing case COILS FILTERS Mark Part No ATC 157 ATC 156 ATC 159 ATC 158 ATC 160 ATH 049 ATE 053 ATE 052 ATB O78 ATB O82 ATD O11 ATD 006 ATF 126 ATF 121 ATF 133 OTHERS Mark PartNo ...

Page 13: ... sequence 7 Wind the cord around the tuning shaft 3 times 8 Passit over pulley D wind it around the tuning drum 2 times and finally tie it to the spring hook F so that it is tensioned Starting point I I t trM I I I I N 4 n I 9 Turn the tuning shaft and check that the cord movessmoothly 10 Cut off any excesscord 11 Turn the tuning shaft counter clockwiseas far asit will go 12 Align the dial pointer...

Page 14: ...terminal no 5 of tuner ass yand the ground Position of I Adlurt nt otat potnler I point l Ser the TUNING meter to the center position and the SIGNAL VC3 meter to the maximum value F i g 1 2 1 Repeatsteps1 to 2 Set the SIGNAL meterto the maximum value Set the TUNING meter to the center Dosition Turn ON the FM MUTING switch Remove R lO4 when muting operation stopsabove30dB Set the signalof the termi...

Page 15: 2 16OkHz 100dB 160kHz T5 3 Set the AM SG to 30dB output level repeat steps 1 to 2 above 4 340kHz 50dB 340kHz TC7 Adjust until demodulatedsignalat OUTPUT terminal is maximum 5 160kHz 50dB l6OkHz T6 6 Repeatsteps4 to 5 until maximum sensitivityis attained Stator Rotor blade Stator Rotor blade Spatula GGK 066 qT p fifi X ffi X Fig 12 1 Adjustment of tuning capacitor c vRl G no 1O e 1EX f u Tl3 Tc7...

Page 16: ...rdglage silencieuxFM FM MUTING sur la positionoN 7 98MHz 25 35dB Variable 98MHz R 104 Enleverle R1O4 lorsquele 169lage silencieuxatteint 30d8 I I 98MHz I aoae N est pasmodu16 98MHz V R 1 R 6 g l e rl e s i g n a l d e l a b o r n en o 1 0 d 1 9 k H z 1 1 0 0 H 2 9 98MHz I eooe Modulation st616o 98MHz T 1 entre190 R6glerau minimum la distortion du signalde la borne de sortie OUTPUT NOTE Connecter l...

Page 17: ...u maximum 2 16OkHz 100d8 l6OkHz T5 3 R69lerle signalAM AM SG a un niveaude sortie de 30d8 puis r6p6terlesdtapes1 et 2 ci dessus 4 160kHz 50dB 160kHz TC7 R6gler jusqu A ce que le signal d6modul6 d la borne de sortie OUTPUT soit au maximum 5 160kHz 50dB 160kHz T6 6 Rdpdterles6tapes4 er 5 jusqu au point d intensit6 maximum Plaquemobil Stator Plaquemobile Fig 12 1 R6glagedu capaciteurde syntonisation ...

Page 18: ... de aiu3te Procedimiento d aiuste Frecucncia Nivel 1 1O6MHz 106d8 lO6MHz TC3 2 9OMHz 106d8 9OMHz vc3 F i g 1 2 1 central y el medidor de sefial SIGNAL en el valor m6ximo 3 Repetir los pasos 1 al 2 4 98MHz 18dB 98MHz T Cl TC2 T1 Alustar el medidor de sefral SIGNAL al valor m6ximo 5 No hay sefial Ruido blanco T2 Ponerel medidor de sintonizaci6n TUNING en la posici6n central 6 Poneren la posici6n ON ...

Page 19: ...kHz T5 3 Ajustar el generadorde se6ales de AM AM SG al nivel de salidade 30d8 y repetir los pasos1 V 2 de arriba 4 340kHz 50dB 340kHz TC7 Alustar hasta que la sefial demodulada en el terminal de salida OUTPUT seala m5xima 5 1 6 O k H z 50dB 160kHz T6 6 Repetir los pasos4 y 5 hastaque se logre la m5xima sensibilidad Estator Paletadel rotor Estator Paletadel rotor Fig 12 1 Ajuste del capacitorde sin...
