Four-Chamber Aluminum Chassis
The physical architecture of the BDP -09F D incorporates four chambers
that separate major parts of the unit form one another, eliminating electrical
interference encountered in lesser designs. Audio circuit boards are isolated
from video circuit boards, and vice versa. Power supplies are removed from
delicate audio and video circuitry, while the disc transport is similarly isolated
from other electrical and mechanical assemblies.
Copper Screws
The screws that hol d an electronic component together ser ve more than a
mechanical purpose—they al so function as conductors for ground signal s.
Pioneer chose copper scr e w s for the BD P - 09F D because their el ectri -
cal conducti v it y is appr o x imately 10 times that of t y pical steel scr e w s.
Low Center Load Drive
The Blu-ray Disc recorder transport—the most precise such mechanism avail-
able—is mounted in the center of the BDP-09F D’s frame, low in the chassis.
This position helps damp internal vibrations, and also lessens the effect of
external vibrations. Both of these benefits assure that errors in reading in-
formation from a disc will be negligible or non-existent.
Gold Plated Connectors
Pioneer’s engineers rely on gol d to establish the most reliable electron
transfer between connector and cable. Offering superior conductivity, gol d
is simply the best connector sol ution when it comes to preser ving delicate
audio and v ideo infor mation. T hat is w hy the BD P - 09F D’s r ear panel
empl oys only gol d-pl ated RC A and BNC video connectors.
Analog Audio Board
Analog Audio Power Supply
Primary Power Supply
Toroidal Transformer
Even Greater than
the Sum of its Parts
Pioneer’s engineers know that in order for
the most ambitious design to be realized, it
must be complemented by superior parts and
uncompromised build quality. The BDP-09FD
sacrifices nothing, so neither do you.
Summary of Contents for BDP-09FD - Elite Blu-Ray Disc Player
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