PINGME GPS Watch Phone Quick User Manual Download Page 1

PingMe GPS Watch Phone

Quick User Guide

Press the power button (on/off)
(bottom left) for 5 - 8 seconds to 
start the device.  The watch may 
need charging if it doesn’t switch
on at all.

Launch the App.
The ID is the number provided 
with the watch, on the silver 
barcoded sticker on the box.The 
default password for the App is 
123456 (This can be changed)

Login to App

Setting up contacts

Download App

You can 
download the 
App from
“Play Store” for

Android, and the Apple Store
for iOS,  by searching for 
“YUE Tracker”. 

Getting started

What do the buttons do?

Before you start




Start with setting up the Mom & Dad 
buttons.  Select “Emergency 
number” under Settings on the App 
and input the Mom & Dad’s 
phone number.                 

Go ahead and complete contacts, 
address and the Whitelist. 
Whitelist will prevent identifiable 
numbers from coming through, 
however No Caller ID or Private 
numbers are undetectable and will 
currently get through. 

Now, when you press the watch’s 
Dad button, it will call Father’s 
number, likewise the Mom button 
will call the Mother. When you long 
press the SOS button, it will begin to 
call Father’s number, if the father 
doesn’t answer the call goes 
onto Mother’s number. 

Note: Voicemail is registered as 
a call being answered. 




The Simcard

Email [email protected] to register your PingMe. 
We will then supply you with your 2 year warranty for the watch.

Register your PingMe

Your watch will use Airtime. 
You can top this up as: Pay as you go, or get in touch to go on contract.
You can buy airtime on all banking apps e.g. Absa, FNB, Investec etc.

Top up

This box contains an activated micro sim - carefully insert into the back of 
the watch. 

Make sure you top it up with airtime before you start.

* Your PingMe is NOT waterproof * 

By purchasing this product you’re accepting our Terms & Conditions available on our website *

Switch watch on

Mom Button

Dad Button

2. Whilst on a call, 
this button is used 
to adjust the 
volume down

3. Short press to access 
phonebook. Use Mom (up) 
and Dad (down) buttons to 
scroll through numbers, which 
is set up on App)

1. Press 5 - 8 seconds 
to initiate call to phone 
number set up on App 
as ‘Mom’

2. Whilst on a call, this 
button is used to 
adjust the volume up

3. Short press this button 
to toggle between Date 
and Time Screen

1. Press 5-8 seconds to 
initiate call to phone 
number set up on
App as ‘Dad’



SOS Button

1. Press and hold for 5 
- 8 sec to call 
emergency number(s) 
(these are setup in 
your App)

2. Short press to 
listen to Audio 
Messages (Sent 
from your App 

3. Press to answer 
incoming calls.

Power Button

1. Press 5 - 8 seconds to 
power watch on.

4. Press to end a phone call.

3. Press and hold to 
record a ‘Talkback’ audio 
message that will be sent 
on release, to the parents 

2. To switch watch off: If 
the Sim Card is inside, you 
can only power down the 
watch by using your App 
Shutdown) - This is a 
safety feature

078 346 7787

078 234 3746

084 876 3700





