Configuration example : Enable the jukebox mode and add the audio file “I love
pinballs.wav" to the playlist.
Open the “Jukebox” folder
Copy the file "I love Pinballs.wav" in the folder
Edit the “jukebox.conf” file with any test editor
Replace the line "Jukebox OFF" with "Jukebox ON".
Save and close the “jukebox.conf” file.
Disconnect the µSD card properly from the computer and plug it in the socket
of the NW7 board.
Updating the firmware of the NW7 board
The NW7 board has a powerful update system that allows you to get the latest
firmware version in just a few steps.
To perform an update, you need a “system_upcpu_version_number.bin" file, then
follow the instructions below :
Open the "system" folder
Copy the "system_upcpu_new_version.bin" file in this folder, the old version
files do not need to be deleted.
Disconnect the µSD card properly from the computer and plug it in the socket
of the NW7 board.
Turn on the pinball machine.
The update is done automatically and lasts about thirty seconds. During this
time, the green LED blinks very fast. Once the operation is complete, the
game is operational.