Function description
Operating Manual PNOZ m ES EtherCAT
Function description
The virtual inputs and outputs that are to be transferred via EtherCAT are selected and con-
figured in the PNOZmulti Configurator. The base unit and the expansion module PNOZ m
ES EtherCAT are connected via a jumper. After the supply voltage is switched on or the
PNOZmulti control system is reset, the expansion module PNOZ m ES EtherCAT is con-
figured and started automatically.
The connection to EtherCAT is made via the two RJ45 sockets.
LEDs indicate the status of the expansion module on EtherCAT.
The configuration is described in detail in the PNOZmulti Configurator's online help.
Data access
The data is structured as follows:
Virtual data
Input area PNOZ m ES EtherCAT
The values for the inputs are set in the Master as an output and transferred to the
PNOZmulti 2.
Output range PNOZ m ES EtherCAT
The outputs are configured in the PNOZmulti Configurator and transferred to the
Status of LEDs:
LED status 1 Output Byte
The LED status of the base unit can be requested directly as follows
Bit 0 = 1: LED OFAULT is lit or flashes
Bit 1 = 1: LED IFAULT is lit or flashes
Bit 2 = 1: LED FAULT is lit or flashes
Bit 3 = 1: LED DIAG is lit or flashes
Bit 4 = 1: LED RUN FS is lit
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 6 = 1: LED RUN ST is lit (not for PNOZ m B0)
Bit 7: Reserved
Data exchange is displayed in Bit 5.
Polling the payload data: 2 Bytes with the table number and segment number are sent
by the Master for access to the payload data table (15 Bytes are returned to the Mas-
The document "Communication Interfaces" contains detailed information
on data exchange (tables, segments) in the section entitled "Fieldbus modules",
on the virtual data in chapter "Service Data Objects (SDOs)" for PNOZ m ES EtherCAT.