picCAR User’s Guide
The monitoring cycle can stretch from 0.1 to 99.9 seconds. To read the
current receiver setting, you would hit the “Read data” key (s. above). This
command will read the value from the PiKoder store and display it; the
checkbox will be set automatically when a time out value > 0 is found. If
you want to maintain this value then simply hit “Write data”. This will sync
the app and the receiver starting the fail safe function.
If you want to change the value then hit the input filed and the keyboard
would appear allowing you to edit the field content. For disabeling the time
out you would have to uncheck the box. Please note that a change only be-
comes effective after hitting the „Write data“-button.
For enabling the „fail-safe“-funktion you would check the box and then
enter the time out value. As with all other changes you would have to hit
the „Write data“-button to put this change into effect.