Now try some power chords using the bridge pickup.
Now, play an open E major chord. The Octava will remain stable with
major chords. Next, play an open E minor chord. As you will quickly notice,
the Octava becomes unstable with some chords and sonic carnage sets in.
Explore the range of the Octava TONE control. Notice how as you play
higher up on the neck, the octave up sound becomes more pronounced.
The classic Hendrix Octavia sound can be achieved by using the neck
pickup on your axe, and rolling off either the Octava TONE control or the
tone control on your guitar or a combination of the two. This sound is most
pronounced when you play above the 9
COMBINATIONS (now the real fun begins!)
Ove Octava
Return the Octava controls to 3:00 and turn on the Overdrive so that
the blue and green LEDs are on. The Overdrive/Octava sound is unique to
the Pigtronix OFO. Dig it. Play low, play high. Notice the increased sustain
and knarly yet expressive grind of this combination.
Fuzz + Octava
Turn off the Overdrive and turn on the Fuzz so that both the red and green
LEDs are on. The Fuzz/Octava sound has been available in the past, but
the range of textures offered by the Fuzz’s SHAPE control presents and
unrivaled palette of sonic possibilities.
Ove Fuzz
Return all of the controls to the 3:00 position. Turn off the Octava and set
the Fuzz shape control to #4, the Treble filter. By itself, the treble fuzz is
thin and cutting (this sounds amazing with a VOX AC30). Listen to the
Treble fuzz by itself for a moment.
Now kick in the Overdrive so that the blue and red LEDs are on. Notice how
all of your low end is injected back into the sound by the Overdrive. Your
high strings will sing with Treble Fuzz and your low strings will grind with
Overdrive. Bring the Overdrive TONE knob back to 11:00 and listen.
Put the Overdrive TONE knob back up to 3:00 and then cycle through the
different Fuzz shapes. Try Fuzz shape #5, then #3, then #2, then #1. On
Bass, Fuzz shape #6 plus Overdrive is devastating.
Ove Fuzz + Octava
Now for the whole enchilada! Make sure all of the controls are at 3:00 and
set the fuzz SHAPE switch to #2, the F.A.T. filter. Now Turn on all three
effects so that the blue, red and green LEDs are on. This is the sound of