Sump pump circuit requirements:
120 VAC 15 Amp. (min) Ground fault protected.
Vacuum circuit requirements:
120 VAC 15 Amp. Ground fault protected.
Do not use with flammable vapors or liquids,
caustic or hazardous liquids and materials.
Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.
A 10’ water boom is provided to help pool and
contain water. Additional water booms may be
purchased to contain larger areas.
Vacuum intake disc should be placed at lowest
point where water accumulates.
Sump pump will engage when water level in the
vacuum tank reaches 9” of depth and disengage
when water level reaches 4” of depth.
Sump pump will pump approx.
5 gallons a minute through a ¾” hose.
A drain plug is provided for manual draining.
3 molded in ½” UNC female inserts for stationary
mounting when using vacuum as part of
Mobile Wash down/Recovery System.
If mobility is required, use:
DLY301-01 Dolly Caster System.
General Instructions
In North America phone: 1-800-HOT-HOGS
Instructional Sheet for:
10-8-07 r1
Check filter bag for clogging; Empty and clean if clogged
Verify that seal between top and bottom of canister is intact
Pump is not pumping
Water level has not reached height of 9”; allow canister to fill up.
Discharge hoses are plugged or kinked
Intake on the bottom of pump is clogged;
disconnect power and clear obstructions
Vacuum fails to pick up liquids
Make sure its plugged in and has power
Check vacuum disc for obstructed holes
*for further troubleshooting, refer to pump manufacturers manual.
*this product is covered by our 1-year limited warranty
For complete warranty information, contact us at
New Pig water boom part#
PLR225 -10 foot length
PLR266 -25 foot length