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Mid-Mount Ascendant Aerial Tower / 2-13
Aerial Basket Lifting Eyes
Figure 2-13: Aerial Basket Lifting Eyes
Item # Description and Function
This aerial device is equipped with two lifting eyes that may be used
for rescue operations. The lifting eyes are only for use with rope type rescue operations. Pierce
Manufacturing recommends not to use a pulley or block and tackle on the eye(s) as the load on the device
may become twice the load being lifted and may exceed the maximum allowable weight limit for the aerial
device.The load on each lifting eye should never exceed 500 lbs (225 kg), or 1,000 lbs (550 kg) combined
total. To ensure that this load is not exceeded, it is essential the lifts be made in a smooth manner, without
causing the device or the load to bounce, jerk, or sway. Use appropriate methods to stabilize the load while
it is being lifted. Always anchor the working end of the rope to the lifting eye and use the boom to lift or
lower the load.
Rope and fittings used with the lifting eye should be appropriate for the load being lifted. They should
comply with NFPA 1983;
“Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services”
, and
should be rigged by an individual trained in proper rope rescue techniques such as those found in NFPA
“Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents”
The lifting eyes are intended to be used only as a single anchor for a single rescue rope. Use of a pulley
or a block and tackle on the lifting eye(s) may allow the weight of the load being lifted to double and
exceed the 500 lbs (225 kg) limit for each lifting eye, or 1,000 lbs (550 kg) combined total for both lifting