P a g e
Digital Dual Display Microprocessor based type, upper one
display read as process value (PV) and lower one as set
value (SV) for furnace temperature controlling system
PID Controller with time proportion (Optional On Request)
operating, parameter setting as per manufacturer
parameter setting guideline & will be provide along with
Amp. Meter:
Show running Amp of furnace.
Volt Meter:
Show running volt of furnace. Voltage regulating is an
important factor for silicon carbide operated furnace.
Pot Setting:
To regulate manual voltage setting one pot is provide on
front panel. Suitable pot is 10 “Or” 5 ohms for your furnace.
Rotted knob of furnace clock wise for increase voltage and
anti clock wise for decreasing voltage of furnace.
One toggle switch for main ON, another for running of
furnace, third one for panel cooling fan/blower ON. Toggle
switches as 15 amp , DPDT type.
LED Indicator: