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latest developments, software, and tutorials for hand tracking.
Ultraleap for Developers updates
Download the relevant tooling to develop on the platform of
your choice.
Use and apply real-world physics
Import and rig your own 3D hand assets
Utilise a library of optimized and rigged hand models
Ultraleap Plugin for Unreal Engine
to find out more about
developing with hand tracking.
Next Steps
If you lose hand tracking at any point during an Ultraleap experience:
Try unplugging the USB-C cable from the headset, and then plugging
it in again. This will result in a black screen while the hand tracking
resets. Hand tracking should resume within your application as normal
If you still do not have hand tracking you may need to re-boot the headset.
Do this by holding the power button for 7 seconds, and it should show a
black screen. Wait 1 second, and then press and hold the power button for 3
seconds to boot it up again. Hand tracking should function normally.