Prog ramming the 3000A Series oscilloscopes
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PicoScope 3000 MSOs digital connector diagram
The PicoScope 3000 MSOs have a digital input connector. The layout of the 20 pin IDC
header plug is detailed below. The diagram is drawn as you look at the front panel of
the device.
Power options
4-channel USB 2.0 oscilloscopes
The 4-channel PicoScope 3000A Series oscilloscopes (model numbers beginning with
34...) allow you to choose from two methods of powering your device. The flexible
power feature offers the choice of powering your device using a standard USB cable
and the AC adaptor supplied, or using the double-headed USB cable to draw power
from two powered USB ports. If the power source is changed (AC adaptor connected
or disconnected) while the oscilloscope is in operation, the oscilloscope will restart
automatically and any unsaved data will be lost.
2-channel USB 3.0 oscilloscopes
The PicoScope 3207A and 3207B oscilloscopes also have two methods of powering the
device: from a USB 3.0 port using the USB 3.0 cable supplied, or from a USB 2.0 port
using the double-headed USB 2.0 cable supplied.
API functions
The following functions support the flexible power feature:
If you want the device to run on USB power only, instruct the driver by calling
after calling
. If
is called without the power supply connected, the driver returns
If the supply is connected or disconnected
during use, the driver will return the relevant status code
and you must then call
to continue running the scope. For USB 3.0 scopes,
the driver will return
if the device is
plugged into a non-USB 3.0 port.