AXE171 PICAXE-14 Audio Kit © Revolution Education Ltd 2015 v1.1
May be copied for educational use.
1.2 AXE171 Assembly
– Before assembly decide whether you may prefer to solder the LEDs, LDR, switch (and also the
SPE035 speaker) on the reverse side of the PCB (therefore soldering these component pins on the top
side of the board). This is often useful when mounting the PCB through a cardboard model. The PCB
supplied is a high quality plated through PCB with solder pads on both sides.
Solder the resistors in position R1-R6 and the capacitor in position C1.
Solder the switch in position SW1
Solder the 5 pin right angle socket (H1) and the 3.5mm download socket (CON1) in position.
Make sure this download socket ’snaps’ flat on the PCB.
Solder the 14 pin IC socket in position, noting the pin 1 notch is to the bottom of the board.
Solder the LEDs and LDR to the board. You may wish to leave these with long legs or to
solder them on the reverse of the PCB. Make sure the LEDs are correctly aligned with the
marking on the PCB, long leg through the hole .
Solder the battery clip to the board. You may choose to thread the two wires through the
large hole first to make a more durable connection (see photo above). Make sure the red
(RED) and black (BLK) wires are the correct way around.
Insert the PICAXE-14M2 into the socket. Note that
pin 1 (notched end of chip)
is placed next to the
capacitor at the
of the PCB so that the chip is ‘upside down’ (see photo above).
The board is designed to be used with a 4.5V (3xAA) battery pack. Do
use a 9V PP3 battery.
The additional holes and pads on the PCB are not required at this stage and so can be ignored.