6 Startup and Operation
Version: 1.1.1
V-551 Linear Stage
Damage due to high velocity and traveling to the hard stop with maximum force!
High velocities and traveling to the hard stop with maximum force can cause damage, strong
heat development, or considerable wear on the mechanical system.
Stop the motion immediately if a controller malfunction occurs.
Ensure that the end of the travel range is approached at low velocity.
Set the control signal so that the moving part does not stop abruptly or try to continue
motion at the end of the travel range.
Determine the maximum velocity for your application.
Set suitable soft limits for closed-loop operation on the controller.
Damage to the V-551 and the load due to oscillation
The optimum values of the servo control parameters of the controller depend on the
application and the moved mass. Unsuitable servo control parameter settings of the controller
can cause the V-551 to oscillate. Oscillation can damage the V-551 and/or the load affixed to it.
If the V-551 is oscillating (unusual operating noise), immediately switch off the servo mode
for the axis on the controller or switch off the controller.
Only switch on the servo mode for the axis on the controller after you have modified the
servo control parameter settings; see the manual of the controller.
The C-891 controller and the V-551 are delivered as a preconfigured system.
If a connection assignment is given on the labels of the controller and/or V-551, observe
this assignment when connecting the V-551.
Starting Up the V-551 with the C-891 Controller
After switching the motor on, a reference move must be performed by sending the
For this purpose, PIMikroMove provides the Start up axes step (opened in the PIMikroMove
main window via the C-891 > Start up axes... menu item)
The servo mode for the axis can only be activated when the reference move has been
successfully performed.
You have read and understood the general notes on startup and operation (p. 35).
You have properly installed (p. 15) the stage.
You have read and understood the user manual of the controller.