Model: 31434
User Manual Pizzetta
7. You can place your first pizza on
the stones by using a pizza spatula.
8. Your Pizza will be ready in only 2-3 minutes.
9. Don’t forget to observe your fire and if necessary add from time to time
a new log on each side whilst you continue cooking as many pizzas as
you want.
10. After your last pizza, ensure that the furnace has cooled down
completely before moving it or before removing the ash.
11. Use a damp cloth to clean your furnace and the stones. To remove food
waists from the stones, you can use a barbecue brush. Never use
chemical cleaning agents.
12. Always respect the SAFETY RULES
Warranty: 2 years
PIZZETTA is not responsible for damages caused by atmospheric events such
as hail, etc. or damages caused by incorrect or negligent handling and/or the
use of harmful chemicals or cleaning agents.