PI2Media 502HTA
Hardware Reference Manual – P3 - 8/31/2017
The enclosed product ("the Product"), a part of the PI2MEDIA Shield/Hat series, is
warranted by Pi 2 Design for a period of one year for reasonable development, testing
and use, all as further described and defined below. This warranty runs solely to the
individual or entity purchasing the Product and is not transferable or assignable in any
respect. This warranty is valid only for so long as the product is used intact as shipped
from PI 2 Design. Any attempt or effort to alter the Product, including but not limited to
any attempt to solder, de-solder, unplug, replace, add or affix any part or component of
or onto the Product, other than components specifically intended for the user to plug
and unplug into appropriate sockets and/or Connectors to facilitate user programming,
development and deployment, all as specifically described and authorized in this
Product Hardware Reference Manual, shall void this warranty in all respects. Coverage
under this warranty requires that the Product be used and stored at all times in
conditions with proper electrostatic protection necessary and appropriate for a complex
electronic device. These conditions include proper temperature, humidity, radiation,
atmosphere and voltage (standard commercial environment, 0C to +70C, <60%RH).
Any Product that has been modified without the express, prior written consent of Pi 2
Design is not covered by this warranty. The use or connection of any test or bus
Connector, adapter or component with any device other than a Pi 2 Design Connector
or adapter shall void this warranty and the warranty of all other components, parts and
modules connected to the rest of the system. Pi 2 Design shall not be responsible for
any damage to the Product as a result of a customer's use or application of circuitry not
developed or approved by Pi 2 Design for use on or in connection with the Product.
This warranty does not cover defects caused by electrical or temperature fluctuations or
from stress resulting from or caused by abuse, misuse or misapplication of the Product.
Any evidence of tampering with the serial number on the Product shall immediately void
this warranty. This Product is not intended to be used on or embedded in or otherwise
used in connection with any life-sustaining or life-saving product and this warranty is not
applicable nor is Pi 2 Design liable in any respect if the Product is so used.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Pi 2 Design expressly disclaims any
implied warranty of merchantability or implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose
in connection with the manufacture or use of the Product.