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impossible to guarantee that a product is free of faults.
PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG therefore does not
take on any liability for damages that occur during the
installation or the use of the instrument.
Cobra4-Unit Tesla serves to measure the magnetic field
strengths of constant and alternating fields in combination
with a tangential or axial Hall probe.
According to the application, Cobra4 Sensor-Unit Tesla can
be connected to one of the following measured data re-
cording instruments and pass measured data to it:
to Cobra4 Wireless-Link (12601-00) for wireless trans-
mission to a computer,
to Cobra4 USB-Link (12610-00) for data transmission to
a computer via a USB-cable,
to the hand-held measuring instrument Cobra4 Mobile-
Link (12620-00).
The interface to measured data recording instruments is on
the front side of the Sensor-unit, whereby mechanically se-
cure engagement is ensured by a locking mushroom and a
For measurements of magnetic field strengths, a tangential
(13610-02) or an axial (13610-01) Hall probe can be con-
nected to the Sensor-Unit, according to the application. It has
a 5-pin DIN socket for connection of the Hall probe.
3.1 Operating elements
Cobra4 Sensor-Unit Tesla has no manual operating ele-
ments. Operation of it is made via the Cobra4 Mobile-Link
hand-held measuring instrument, or via a computer to which
either a Cobra4 USB-Link or a Cobra4 Wireless-Link has
been connected, as soon as it has been connected to the se-
lected one of the three allowable measured data recording
Together with Cobra4–Wireless-Link, Cobra4–USB-Link and
Cobra4–Mobile-Link, Cobra4–Sensor-Unit Tesla fulfils the
technical requirements that are compiled in current European
Community Guidelines. The characteristics of this product
qualify it for the CE mark.
This instrument is only to be operated under specialist super-
vision in a controlled electromagnetic environment in re-
search, educational and training facilities (schools, universi-
ties, institutes and laboratories).
This means that in such an environment no mobile phones
etc. are to be used in the immediate vicinity. The individual
connecting leads are each not to be longer than 2 m.
The instrument can be so influenced by electrostatic charges
and other electromagnetic phenomena that it no longer func-
tions within the given technical specifications. The following
measures reduce or do away with disturbances:
Avoid fitted carpets; ensure potential equalization; carry out
experiments on a conductive, earthed surface, use screened
cables, do not operate high-frequency emitters (radios, mo-
bile phones) in the immediate vicinity.
In combinations of the Sensor-Unit with USB-Link
(12610.00), EM-disturbances can end the measurement pro-
gramme. A restart (reset) of the device must then made by
unplugging and re-plugging the USB-cable. Measurement
must then be started anew in the “Measure” programme.
In extreme cases, USB-communication can be re-established
by restarting the computer.
This section describes how to put the Sensor-Unit into opera-
tion and record measured data. Please read carefully through
it to avoid failure or faulty operation.
5.1 Putting the Cobra4 Sensor-Unit Tesla into operation
Check that the current version of the measure software
package and the Cobra4 module are installed.
Updating of the software is free via:
www.phywe.com… software … measure
measure main programme
measure Cobra4 module
Free updating of the software can also be made with the
measure DVD.
Connect your Cobra4 Sensor-Unit Tesla to one of the three
measured data recording instruments via the engaging 15-pin
plug connection; the Sensor-Unit is ready to use after a brief
starting phase (self-calibration), as voltage is supplied by the
measured data recording instrument.
Further information on the control of the measured data re-
cording instruments is given in their operating instructions..
(Typical for 25°C)
Operating temperature range 5...40°C
Relative humidity < 80%
Measuring range, constant field
± 1
; Resolution ± 1 mT
± 100 mT ; Resolution ± 100 µT
± 10 mT ; Resolution ± 10 µT
Each measurement range can be
compensated up to the final value of
the particular measurement range.
Accuracy approx. ± 2 % of measure-
ment range final value
Measuring range, alternating field from 15 Hz to 1 kHz
1 T
; Resolution 1 mT
100 mT
; Resolution
100 µT
10 mT
; Resolution
10 µT
Alternating fields are measured with a
root-mean-square rectifier (RMS)
No measurement range compensation
Accuracy approx. ± 5 % of measure-
ment range final value
Scan rate, maximum (Hz)
Dimensions (L x W x H in mm)
60 x 70 x 35
Weight (g)