Technology Module TM StepDrive 1x24..48V/5A
MA 1303-A007 EN
6 Commissioning
You begin by adapting the hardware configuration to your existing ET 200
This is possible with PROFIBUS Master or with
7 (
TIA Portal
) from V15
or via GSD
file for PROFIBUS or GSDML file for PROFINET. The TIA Portal
is described here.
6.1 Configuration of the Module via TIA Portal
Drag and drop the TM StepDrive from the hardware catalogue into a rack image. In the
following example rack, the TM StepDrive is used in a decentralised peripheral system.
When you click on the image of the TM StepDrive in a rack, the module is highlighted by a
blue line and you can set parameters that appear in the properties tab.