phyBOARD-Regor AM335x [PB-01802-xxx]
PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH 2018 L-823e_2
Digital GPIOs 1-4 (X2)
Figure 14: Digital GPIOs at Connector X2
The phyBOARD-Regor provides four digital IOs that are designed for processing DC-signals
with up to 24 V DC. The digital output voltage depends on the input voltage of the board.
Input and output signals are routed to the CPU (AM335x) through two discrete
optocouplers for galvanic isolation. Thus, it is possible to write and read the status of every
single GPIO of the phyBOARD-Regor simultaneously.
Please consider that the GPIOs do not have a separate current-driver on
board. In case the GPIOs are used as outputs, the current is self-limited by
the output-optocoupler and should not exceed 750mA for each GPIO
channel. These outputs are low-side outputs.
When the GPIOs on the phyBOARD-Regor are used as digital inputs, they are configured
active high with the following switching voltages:
Signal Level
>11 V
<5 V
Table 11:
Digital input switching levels for GPIO 1-4