2 Chest Compression System –
Instructions for Use
100901-00 Rev A, Valid from CO J2716 © 2014 Jolife AB
3 Safety precautions
To ensure maximum safety, always read this
section carefully before operating, carrying
out any work on the equipment or making
any adjustments.
3.1 Signal words
Throughout the manual, signal words are
indicated with, "WARNING" or "CAUTION".
- signal word used to indicate a
potentially hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, could result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
- signal word used to indicate
a potentially hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
3.2 Personnel
JOLIFE AB recommends that LUCAS Chest
Compression System is only used by
persons with medical skills such as:
First responders, ambulance personnel,
nurses, physicians or medical staff, who
• undertaken a CPR course according to
the resuscitation guidelines, e.g. American
Heart Association, European Council of
Resuscitation or equivalent,
• AND received training in how to use
3.3 Contraindications
Do NOT use the LUCAS Chest Compression
System in these cases:
• If it is not possible to position LUCAS safe-
ly or correctly on the patient's chest.
• Too small patient: If LUCAS alerts with
3 fast signals when lowering the Suction
Cup, and you cannot enter the PAUSE
mode or ACTIVE mode.
• Too large patient: If you cannot lock the
Upper Part of LUCAS to the Back Plate
without compressing the patient's chest.
Always follow local and/or international
guidelines for CPR when using LUCAS.
3.4 Side effects
The International Liaison Committee on
Resuscitation (ILCOR) states the following
side effects of CPR
"Rib fractures and other injuries are common
but acceptable consequences of CPR given
the alternative of death from cardiac arrest.
After resuscitation, all patients should be
reassessed and re-evaluated for
resuscitation-related injuries."
The above side effects, as well as bruising
and soreness of the chest, are common
during use of LUCAS Chest Compression
3. 2005 International Concensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
Science with Treatment Recommendations. Resusci-
tation 2005;67:195
100901-00 Rev B, Valid from CO J3166 © 2017 Jolife AB