Ensure you are supplying a good quality diesel fuel.
Fuel is not frozen or gelled
Fuel system falls within parameters outlined in installation section.
All connections are secure and there are no air leaks
Try removing the fuel line at the heater during start up to ensure that fuel is being delivered.
Check for fuel filter or fuel metering pump blockage.
Combustion Air
Ensure that combustion air intake tube and exhaust tubes are clear from obstructions.
Air intake and exhaust tubes meet parameters outlined in installation section.
Try placing your hand in front of the exhaust while the heater is attempting to start to determine if there is
air flow (Should be able to blow out a candle held within 12” of end of exhaust)
Source of Ignition
The heater uses a glow pin as a source of ignition. Normally when this fails, it will create an open or short
circuit and yield error code 5 or 6. However, in some cases the glow pin may have a partial failure and will
just not get hot enough. Glow pins can be bench tested by applying 12 volts and observing how they heat
up. They should exhibit a consistent red throughout the length of the pin. We recommend replacing the
glow pin and glow pin screen on a seasonal basis as part of maintenance program.
If we have confirmed that we have an appropriate amount of fuel and combustion air and a ignition source,
then there is a problem with the heater’s ability to mix these components. Start by replacing the glow pin
screen. This is the primary mixing point. If the glow pin chamber appears to be heavily sooted, disassemble
the heater and clean the combustion chamber using carburetor cleaner suitable alternative.