Ready to sanitize,
right out of the box.
Top Button
Touch and hold for 3 seconds
to switch between automatic
and manual disinfection modes.
Automatic Disinfection
Cycle begins once door closes
and ends after 10 minutes.
Manual Disinfection
Touch button to
start/stop sanitizing.
Use the USB ports located
on the top inside front of the
unit to charge your device
while sanitizing.
Microsuction Feet
Remove plastic covering
before use. To clean, rub with
water and let dry.
Sanitizing Bay
Place objects centrally
within the space.
Plug HomeSoap
into power using
provided cord.
Place object
of choice in
sanitizing bay.
Close door
to begin
disinfection cycle.
After 10 minutes,
remove freshly
sanitized object.
If you are experiencing
trouble, please contact us:
(866) 432-0525
Need help?
For an informational video and language-specific
instructions, scan the QR code to the right or visit: