Fitting Guide
MLxi and MLxi Baha
10-03/visu’l © Phonak AG/All rights reserved/page 3/1
Preparing the hearing instrument
for FM use
3.1 Program selection
Hearing instruments can be divided into two types with respect to the
external audio input: DPAI Yes and DPAI No. DPAI stands for Designated
Programmable Audio Input.
FM is usually directly wired with the microphone in the normal listening
program. Attenuation of the hearing instrument microphones depends
on the impedance of the external device. Selection between “FM+M”
and “FM only” takes place on the receiver.
On these hearing instruments, the audio input has its own Designated
Programmable Audio Input and the FM program is selected via the
program structure of the hearing instrument. Please activate the
instrument’s FM+M and/or FM only program. The FM+M program is
recommended for most listening situations.
Fitting example: Phonak CORE* hearing instrument
Drag and drop FM program into manual programs or EasyFM:
Most Phonak HIs offer the EasyFM feature. If this is enabled, the HI
automatically switches to FM mode a few seconds after a signal (e.g.
voice or music) has been broadcast by the FM transmitter. The reaction
time of the EasyFM feature ranges up to several seconds depending on
the hearing instrument and the signal intensity. The HI automatically
switches back to the default listening program after approximately one
minute, when no signal has been broadcasted by the transmitter.
*Current CORE hearing instruments from Phonak include: Exélia, Versata, Certéna, Naída, Nios and Milo.
3.2 Attaching the audio shoe
For most Phonak hearing instruments it is required to change the
battery door in order to be able to attach the audio shoe and MLxi.
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15.4.2010 13:37:46 Uhr