For the more common everyday transient surges and spikes that are most commonly caused by
household appliances turning on and off, Theatre Director uses an advanced type of MOV (metal
oxide varistor). This new type of MOV provides greater capacity to absorb surges and spikes, as well
as better energy dissipation. The result is a more efficient, longer lasting surge protector.
Clear Connect Power Conditioning
The electrical current running through your home is filled with impurities referred to as
electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI), which are caused by
household appliances and electronics. If left alone, these impurities can show up in your home
theater system in the form of picture or sound distortion and degradation. Our Clear Connect power
conditioning technology purifies the electrical current before it reaches your sensitive components.
This filtering process reduces EMI and RFI noise by up to 85 decibels (dB), among the highest level of
noise filtration available today, keeping your equipment safe, picture sharp and sound crisp.
Always-on AC Outlets
Each model of Theatre Director is equipped with two AC outlets that are always on – regardless
of the position of the main power switch. These outlets are useful for components that require a
constant source of power to maintain programmed settings, such as a VCR, DVR, TiVo
, etc. While
these outlets are not controlled by the main power switch, they are still protected by s-OV and V3
Switched AC Outlets
The remaining AC outlets (number varies by model) are powered on and off with the main power
switch on the front panel. All components connected to these outlets can be powered on and off at
the same time by simply pressing the main power switch on the front panel.
Coaxial Cable Protection
Depending on the model, Theatre Director includes either 2, 3 or 4 sets (see feature chart page 4) of
gold-plated coaxial cable protection. These connectors are useful protecting components that have
incoming coaxial cables connected to them, such as satellite dishes, cable boxes, antennas, etc.
RJ45 Networking Protection
Should your home theater system incorporate incoming RJ45 networking cables, such as a media
server or HDTV monitor with broadband web access, Theatre Director’s RJ45 protection will keep
the connected equipment safe from surges that can potentially enter through the incoming RJ45
network cable (not available on model SPP4200).