Philips TDA8586 Datasheet Download Page 24

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 Date of release:

2001 Jul 23

Document order number:

 9397 750 08407

Summary of Contents for TDA8586

Page 1: ...TA SHEET Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 1999 Apr 08 File under Integrated Circuits IC01 2001 Jul 23 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA8586 Power amplifier with load detection and auto BTL SE selection ...

Page 2: ...l pins and across load ESD protected on all pins Thermal protection against temperatures exceeding 150 C Load dump protection Overvoltage protection GENERAL DESCRIPTION The device incorporates the following functions 4 6 W SE amplifies without SE capacitor because of the availability of 2 half supply voltage power buffers 2 20 W BTL amplifiers Automatic switching between 2 and 4 speaker operation ...

Page 3: ...pplication Po output power VP 14 4 V RL 4 Ω THD 0 5 14 15 W THD 10 17 21 W THD total harmonic distortion fi 1 kHz Po 1 W VP 14 4 V RL 4 Ω 0 05 0 15 VOO DC output offset voltage VP 14 4 V RL 4 Ω mute condition 10 20 mV VP 14 4 V on condition 0 100 mV Vn o noise output voltage Rs 1 kΩ VP 14 4 V 100 200 µV Single ended application Po output power VP 14 4 V RL 4 Ω THD 0 5 4 4 5 W THD 10 5 6 W THD tota...

Page 4: ...86 BLOCK DIAGRAM Fig 1 Block diagram SOT243 1 handbook full pagewidth MGR023 1 OUT1 ACREF 11 IN3 7 IN2 6 IN1 5 IN4 8 MSO 13 V I OA 4 OUT2 OA OA 3 HVP1 VPn VPn 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ 17 OUT3 V I OA 14 OUT4 12 DIAG OA OA 15 HVP2 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ BUFFER VPn 30 kΩ V I 60 kΩ INTERFACE DIAGNOSTIC 10 PGND2 VP1 2 VP2 16 9 PGND1 TDA8586Q ...

Page 5: ...gram SOT418 2 HSOP20 heatsink up handbook full pagewidth MGR024 17 OUT1 ACREF 6 IN3 4 IN2 3 IN1 2 IN4 5 MSO 8 n c 1 V I OA 20 OUT2 OA OA 19 HVP1 VPn VPn 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ 14 OUT3 V I OA 11 OUT4 7 DIAG OA OA 12 HVP2 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ BUFFER VPn 30 kΩ V I 60 kΩ INTERFACE DIAGNOSTIC 10 DDDSEL 9 OVERRULE 15 PGND2 VP1 18 VP2 13 16 PGND1 TDA8586TH ...

Page 6: ...ommon signal input DIAG 12 7 diagnostic output mode fix MSO 13 8 mode select mute standby or on OVERRULE 9 mode selection overrule DDDSEL 10 2 or 10 dynamic distortion detection OUT4 14 11 SE output 4 negative HVP2 15 12 buffer output BTL output 2 negative VP2 16 13 supply voltage 2 OUT3 17 14 SE output 3 BTL output 2 positive PGND2 10 15 power ground 2 PGND1 9 16 power ground 1 OUT1 1 17 SE outpu...

Page 7: halfpage TDA8586Q MGR025 OUT1 VP1 HVP1 OUT2 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 PGND1 PGND2 ACREF DIAG MSO OUT4 HVP2 VP2 OUT3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Fig 4 Pin configuration SOT418 2 handbook halfpage n c IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 ACREF DIAG MSO OVERRULE DDDSEL OUT2 HVP1 VP1 OUT1 PGND2 OUT3 PGND1 VP2 HVP2 OUT4 TDA8586TH MGR026 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 ...

Page 8: included to avoid the IC being damaged at Over temperature Tj 150 C Short circuit of the output pin s to ground or supply rail When short circuited the power dissipation is limited ESD protection Human Body Model 3000 V and Machine Model 300 V The presence of the load is measured after the transition between standby and mute The IC will determine if there is an acceptable load on both outputs O...

Page 9: ...s possible The mode is overruled only from BTL to SE when the diagnostic pin is excited with a pulse of 10 V standby load detect mute no load detect mute no clipping shorts on clipping on short circuit on VP VP MSO diagnostic information diagnostic overrule mode select amplifier output buffer amplifier output 0 0 3 V 5 V 10 V 0 5 V 0 0 5VP 0 0 5VP 0 0 9 V short circuit to supply short circuit over...

Page 10: ...nostic pin 18 V IOSM non repetitive peak output current 6 A IORM repetitive peak output current 4 A Vrp reverse polarity voltage note 1 6 V Vsc AC and DC short circuit voltage of output pins across loads and to ground or supply pins 18 V Ptot total power dissipation 75 W Tj junction temperature 150 C Tstg storage temperature 55 150 C Tamb operating ambient temperature 40 150 C Fig 6 Load dump volt...

Page 11: ... 4 V on condition 8 0 10 5 V IMSO input current mute pin at standby condition VMSO 0 8 V 5 40 µA Diagnostic output buffer open collector see Figs 7 to 8 VDIAG L diagnostic output voltage LOW Isink 1 mA 0 3 0 8 V ILI leakage current VDIAG 14 4 V 1 µA VDIAG or diagnostic override voltage in mute mode after load detection 10 5 18 V VDIAG 4ch diagnostic 4 channel indication voltage mute after load det...

Page 12: ... rms 1 V 3 500 µV SVRR supply voltage ripple rejection Rs 0 Ω fi 1 kHz Vripple 2 V p p on condition 45 55 dB mute condition 55 70 dB Zi input impedance input referenced to ground 40 60 90 kΩ Quad SE application see Fig 8 THD total harmonic distortion fi 1 kHz Po 1 W RL 4 Ω 0 05 0 15 45 Hz fi 10 kHz Po 1 W RL 4 Ω filter f 30 kHz 0 5 Po output power VP 14 4 V RL 4 Ω note 2 THD 0 5 4 4 5 W THD 10 5 6...

Page 13: ...ewidth MGR028 1 OUT1 11 IN3 7 IN2 6 IN1 5 IN4 8 13 V I OA 4 OUT2 OA OA 3 HVP1 VPn VPn 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ 17 OUT3 V I OA 14 OUT4 12 OA OA 15 HVP2 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ BUFFER VPn 30 kΩ V I 60 kΩ INTERFACE DIAGNOSTIC 10 PGND2 VP1 2 VP2 16 9 PGND1 TDA8586Q 4 or 8 Ω 4 or 8 Ω 100 nF 16 40 V 1000 µF VP 5 V 10 kΩ VINL front 220 nF VINR front 220 nF 47 µF 10 V 15 kΩ 30 kΩ 4 7 µF 10 V switch switched 9 V ...

Page 14: ...7 IN2 6 IN1 5 IN4 8 MSO 13 V I OA 4 OUT2 OA OA 3 HVP1 VPn VPn 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ 17 OUT3 V I OA 14 OUT4 12 DIAG OA OA 15 HVP2 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ BUFFER VPn 30 kΩ V I 60 kΩ INTERFACE DIAGNOSTIC PGND2 VP1 2 VP2 16 9 PGND1 TDA8586Q 4 or 8 Ω 4 or 8 Ω 4 or 8 Ω 4 or 8 Ω 100 nF 16 40 V 1000 µF VP 5 V 10 kΩ VINL front 220 nF VINL rear 220 nF VINR front 220 nF 47 µF 10 V VINR rear 220 nF 15 kΩ 30 kΩ 4 ...

Page 15: ... 6 IN3 4 IN2 3 IN1 2 IN4 5 MSO 8 V I OA 20 OUT2 OA OA 19 HVP1 VPn VPn 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ 14 OUT3 V I OA 11 OUT4 7 DIAG OA OA 12 HVP2 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ BUFFER VPn 30 kΩ V I 60 kΩ INTERFACE DIAGNOSTIC 10 DDDSEL 9 OVERRULE 15 PGND2 VP1 18 VP2 13 16 PGND1 TDA8586TH 4 or 8 Ω 4 or 8 Ω 100 nF 16 40 V 1000 µF VP 5 V 10 kΩ VINL front 220 nF VINR front 220 nF 47 µF 10 V 15 kΩ 30 kΩ 4 7 µF 10 V switch s...

Page 16: ...N4 5 MSO 8 V I OA 20 OUT2 OA OA 19 HVP1 VPn VPn 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ 14 OUT3 V I OA 11 OUT4 7 DIAG OA OA 12 HVP2 60 kΩ V I 60 kΩ BUFFER VPn 30 kΩ V I 60 kΩ INTERFACE DIAGNOSTIC 10 DDDSEL 9 OVERRULE 15 PGND2 VP1 18 VP2 13 16 PGND1 TDA8586TH 4 or 8 Ω 4 or 8 Ω 4 or 8 Ω 4 or 8 Ω 100 nF 16 40 V 1000 µF VP 5 V 10 kΩ VINL front 220 nF VINL rear 220 nF VINR front 220 nF 47 µF 10 V VINR rear 220 nF 15...

Page 17: ...with load detection and auto BTL SE selection TDA8586 INTERNAL PIN CONFIGURATION PIN TDA8586TH NAME EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 2 3 4 5 and 6 inputs 11 12 14 17 19 and 20 outputs 8 mode select handbook halfpage MGE014 VP IN handbook halfpage MGE015 VP OUT 0 5 VP handbook halfpage MGE016 VP ...

Page 18: ... protrusions of 0 25 mm maximum per side are not included SOT243 1 0 5 10 mm scale D L E A c A2 L3 Q w M bp 1 d D Z e e x h 1 17 j Eh non concave 97 12 16 99 12 17 DBS17P plastic DIL bent SIL power package 17 leads lead length 12 mm SOT243 1 view B mounting base side m 2 e v M B UNIT A e1 A2 bp c D 1 E 1 Z 1 d e Dh L L3 m mm 17 0 15 5 4 6 4 4 0 75 0 60 0 48 0 38 24 0 23 6 20 0 19 6 10 2 54 v 0 8 1...

Page 19: ...mits per individual lead 2 Plastic or metal protrusions of 0 25 mm maximum per side are not included SOT418 2 0 5 10 mm scale HSOP20 plastic heatsink small outline package 20 leads low stand off height SOT418 2 A max detail X A2 3 5 3 2 D2 1 1 0 9 HE 14 5 13 9 Lp 1 1 0 8 Q 1 7 1 5 2 5 2 0 v 0 25 w 0 25 y Z 8 0 θ 0 07 x 0 03 D1 13 0 12 6 E1 6 2 5 8 E2 2 9 2 5 bp c 0 32 0 23 e 1 27 D 2 16 0 15 8 E 2...

Page 20: heating in a conveyor type oven Throughput times preheating soldering and cooling vary between 100 and 200 seconds depending on heating method Typical reflow peak temperatures range from 215 to 250 C The top surface temperature of the packages should preferable be kept below 220 C for thick large packages and below 235 C for small thin packages WAVE SOLDERING Conventional single wave soldering...

Page 21: ... heatsink at bottom version can not be achieved and as solder may stick to the heatsink on top version 4 If wave soldering is considered then the package must be placed at a 45 angle to the solder wave direction The package footprint must incorporate solder thieves downstream and at the side corners 5 Wave soldering is only suitable for LQFP QFP and TQFP packages with a pitch e equal to or larger ...

Page 22: ...andbook Limiting values definition Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System IEC 60134 Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied Exposu...

Page 23: ...2001 Jul 23 23 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Power amplifier with load detection and auto BTL SE selection TDA8586 NOTES ...

Page 24: ...ILIPS SEMICONDUCTORS Via Casati 23 20052 MONZA MI Tel 39 039 203 6838 Fax 39 039 203 6800 Japan Philips Bldg 13 37 Kohnan 2 chome Minato ku TOKYO 108 8507 Tel 81 3 3740 5130 Fax 81 3 3740 5057 Korea Philips House 260 199 Itaewon dong Yongsan ku SEOUL Tel 82 2 709 1412 Fax 82 2 709 1415 Malaysia No 76 Jalan Universiti 46200 PETALING JAYA SELANGOR Tel 60 3 750 5214 Fax 60 3 757 4880 Mexico 5900 Gate...
