Product specificationSupersedes data of 1998 Jul 14File under Integrated Circuits, IC01
2000 Feb 09
25 W high efficiency car radio
power amplifier
Page 1: ...DATA SHEET Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jul 14 File under Integrated Circuits IC01 2000 Feb 09 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA1563Q 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier ...
Page 2: ... power package It contains two identical 25 W amplifiers The dissipation is minimized by switching from SE to BTL mode when a higher output voltage swing is needed The device is primarily developed for car radio applications QUICK REFERENCE DATA ORDERING INFORMATION SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VP supply voltage DC biased 6 14 4 18 V non operating 30 V load dump 45 V IORM repetitiv...
Page 3: ... BLOCK DIAGRAM handbook full pagewidth MGR173 MUTE VI VI VI IV IV VI SLAVE CONTROL 17 16 IN2 3 CIN IN2 60 kΩ 60 kΩ 60 kΩ 60 kΩ 25 kΩ Vref OUT2 OUT2 10 11 CSE 4 MUTE SLAVE CONTROL 1 2 IN1 IN1 OUT1 OUT1 8 7 VP STANDBY LOGIC CLIP AND DIAGNOSTIC 6 12 14 15 MODE SC DIAG CLIP GND 9 VP2 13 VP1 5 TDA1563Q Fig 1 Block diagram ...
Page 4: ... standby operating OUT1 7 inverting output 1 OUT1 8 non inverting output 1 GND 9 ground OUT2 10 inverting output 2 OUT2 11 non inverting output 2 SC 12 selectable clip VP2 13 supply voltage 2 DIAG 14 diagnostic protection temperature CLIP 15 diagnostic clip detection IN2 16 inverting input 2 IN2 17 non inverting input 2 handbook halfpage TDA1563Q MGR174 IN1 IN1 CIN CSE VP1 MODE OUT1 OUT1 GND OUT2 ...
Page 5: ... short circuit of the loudspeaker and against high junction temperatures In the event of a permanent short circuit to ground or the supply voltage the output stage will be switched off causing low dissipation With a permanent short circuit of the loudspeaker the output stage will be repeatedly switched on and off In the on condition the duty cycle is low enough to prevent excessive dissipation To ...
Page 6: ...rom junction to ambient 40 K W Heatsink design There are two parameters that determine the size of the heatsink The first is the rating for the virtual junction temperature and the second is the ambient temperature at which the amplifier must still deliver its full power in the BTL mode With a conventional BTL amplifier the maximum power dissipation with a music like signal at each amplifier will ...
Page 7: 1 50 µA VC average electrolytic capacitor voltage at pin 4 7 1 V VO DC output offset voltage on state 100 mV mute state 100 mV Mode select switch see Fig 4 Vms voltage at mode select pin pin 6 standby condition 0 1 V mute condition 2 3 V operating condition 4 5 VP V Ims switch current through pin 6 Vms 5 V 25 40 µA Diagnostic Vdiag output voltage at diagnostic outputs pins 14 and 15 protectio...
Page 8: ...hilips Semiconductors Product specification 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q Fig 4 Switching levels of the mode select switch handbook halfpage MGR176 18 Vmode 4 3 2 1 0 Mute Operating Standby ...
Page 9: ... W VP 13 2 V THD 0 5 16 W VP 13 2 V THD 10 20 W THD total harmonic distortion Po 1 W note 1 0 1 Pd dissipated power see Figs 10 and 11 W Bp power bandwidth THD 1 Po 1 dB with respect to 15 W 20 to 15 000 Hz fro l low frequency roll off 1 dB note 2 25 Hz fro h high frequency roll off 1 dB 130 kHz Gv closed loop voltage gain Po 1 W 25 26 27 dB SVRR supply voltage ripple rejection Rs 0 Ω Vripple 2 V ...
Page 10: ...ifier TDA1563Q Fig 5 Clip detection waveforms handbook halfpage MGR177 Vo CLIP 0 0 t Fig 5 Clip detection waveforms Fig 6 Protection waveforms handbook halfpage MGR178 maximum current short circuit to supply pins short circuit to ground short circuit removed 50 ms 50 ms 50 ms 10 µs Io DIAG 0 max max t t ...
Page 11: ...CSE 4 2 IN1 1 IN1 OUT1 OUT1 8 7 STANDBY LOGIC CLIP AND DIAGNOSTIC 6 12 14 15 MODE SC DIAG CLIP 9 GND VP2 13 VP1 5 TDA1563Q 1 µF 1000 µF 220 nF 0 5Rs 220 nF 0 5Rs Vms VP Vlogic Rpu Rpu 10 2 5 16 IN2 17 IN2 220 nF 0 5Rs 100 nF 100 nF 3 9 Ω 4 Ω 3 9 Ω 100 nF 100 nF 3 9 Ω 4 Ω 3 9 Ω 220 nF 0 5Rs 220 nF 2200 µF signal ground power ground Fig 7 Application diagram Connect Boucherot filter to pin 8 or pin ...
Page 12: ...25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q handbook full pagewidth 76 20 35 56 TDA1563Q RL 98 MGR189 Out2 Out2 In2 In1 Clip Vp GND gnd gnd Prot 2 5 10 Mode Mute On Off Clip Fig 8 PCB layout component side for the application of Fig 7 Dimensions in mm ...
Page 13: ...n 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q handbook full pagewidth 76 20 35 56 MGR190 Vp GND 2 25 W high efficiency 1 µF 1 17 Out2 Out1 In1 In2 220 nF 220 nF 220 nF Fig 9 PCB layout soldering side for the application of Fig 7 Dimensions in mm ...
Page 14: ...issipation sine wave driven Input signal 1 kHz sinusoidal VP 14 4 V 1 For a conventional BTL amplifier 2 For TDA1563Q handbook halfpage 0 10 Po W 25 0 5 10 15 20 2 Pd W 4 6 8 MBH693 1 2 Fig 11 Dissipation pink noise through IEC 268 filter 1 For a conventional BTL amplifier 2 For TDA1563Q 430 Ω input output 330 Ω 3 3 kΩ 3 3 kΩ 10 kΩ 91 nF 68 nF 470 nF 2 2 µF 2 2 µF MGC428 Fig 12 IEC 268 filter ...
Page 15: ...1 1 IN1 OUT1 OUT1 8 7 STANDBY LOGIC CLIP AND DIAGNOSTIC 6 12 14 15 MODE SC DIAG CLIP VP2 13 VP1 5 TDA1563Q 1 µF 1000 µF 220 nF 220 nF IEC 268 FILTER pink noise Vms VP Vlogic Rpu Rpu 16 IN2 17 IN2 220 nF 100 nF 100 nF 3 9 Ω 4 Ω 3 9 Ω 100 nF 100 nF 3 9 Ω 4 Ω 3 9 Ω 220 nF 220 nF 2200 µF signal ground power ground 9 GND Fig 13 Test and application diagram for dissipation measurements with a music like...
Page 16: ...P Vms 5 V RI handbook halfpage 0 2 Vms V Ip mA 4 6 250 0 200 150 100 50 MDA844 Fig 15 IP as a function of Vms pin 3 VP 14 4 V Vi 25 mV handbook halfpage 8 18 60 0 20 40 10 Po W Vp V 12 14 16 MDA843 1 2 3 Fig 16 Output power as a function of VP 1 EIAJ 100 Hz 2 THD 10 3 THD 0 5 handbook halfpage 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 MDA842 1 10 THD N 102 1 2 3 Po W Fig 17 THD noise as a function of Po 1 f 10 kHz...
Page 17: ...f frequency 1 Po 10 W 2 Po 1 W handbook halfpage 20 22 24 26 Gv dB f Hz 28 MDA840 10 102 103 104 105 106 Fig 19 Gain as a function of frequency Vi 100 mV handbook halfpage 90 70 50 30 10 MDA838 10 f Hz αcs dB 102 103 104 105 1 2 Fig 20 Channel separation as a function of frequency 1 Po 10 W 2 Po 1 W handbook halfpage 80 60 40 20 0 MDA839 10 f Hz SVRR dB 102 103 104 105 Fig 21 SVRR as a function of...
Page 18: ... Philips Semiconductors Product specification 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q handbook halfpage 0 8 Vp V Po W 24 0 8 0 6 0 2 0 0 4 16 MDA846 Fig 22 AC operating as a function of VP Vi 70 mV ...
Page 19: ...ication 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q handbook full pagewidth MGL914 0 1 2 t ms 3 1 2 VP 1 2 VP 0 VP VP VP 0 VP Vload Vmaster Vslave 0 Fig 23 Output waveforms See Fig 7 Vload V7 V8 or V11 V10 Vmaster V7 or V11 Vslave V8 or V10 ...
Page 20: ...essary for stability reasons The filters at output pins 8 and 10 to ground should be connected as close as possible to the device see layout of PCB 5 Connect the supply decoupling capacitors of 220 nF as closely as possible to the TDA1563Qs 6 Place the tracks of the differential inputs as close together as possible If disturbances are injected at the inputs they will be amplified 20 times Oscillat...
Page 21: ...04 05 08 on bottom side Line in Left 10 2 5 Right Power ON Mute RL 10 V to 16 V Vbattery FL RR GND FR Front Rear VBATT Error On TDA1563Q TDA1563Q TDA3617J Diag Clip I2C 4 5 8 6 4 25 W into 4 Ohms DSP Car audio chip set demonstrator Car audio chip set demonstrator Bottom copper layer Top copper layer PHILIPS Semiconductors 3 3 Version 0 1 IO 98 Fig 24 PCB layout ...
Page 22: ...LLER VOLTAGE REGULATOR 8 2 kΩ CDLI 72 330 pF 4 7 kΩ CDLB CDRI CDRB 73 VDACN1 2 VDACP 1 AMAFR 66 VREFAD 78 75 V SSA1 100 nF 3 3 V ANA clip 3 3 V ANA BLM21A10 BLM21A10 100 µF 100 Ω 5 V VBATT VBATT 100 Ω 3 3 V DIG PLANE 21 TP5 22 V DDD5V1 23 V SSD5V1 22 nF PLANE 36 V DDD5V2 37 V SSD5V2 22 nF PLANE 46 V DDD5V3 47 V SSD5V3 48 V DDD3V1 51 V DDD3V2 52 V DDD3V3 55 V DDD3V4 49 V SSD3V1 11 V DDA2 50 V SSD3V...
Page 23: ... 9 VP2 13 VP1 5 CSE OUT OUT 10 nF 220 nF IN2 17 220 nF IN1 2 10 nF 220 nF IN1 1 CIN 3 220 nF 3 9 Ω 3 9 Ω 3 9 Ω 3 9 Ω 100 nF 100 nF 220 nF 16 V 16 V 100 nF 100 nF PGND FRONT LEFT FRONT RIGHT REAR RIGHT REAR LEFT PGND PGND VBATT VBATT 10 2 5 GND TDA1563Q 7 OUT1 1000 µF 2200 µF 8 OUT1 OUT OUT 10 OUT2 11 OUT2 MODE 4 6 CLIP 15 DIAG 14 SC 12 IN2 17 9 VP2 13 VP1 5 CSE OUT OUT GND V battery 10 nF 220 nF I...
Page 24: ...ximum heatsink temperature decreases and also the maximum junction temperature which extends the life of this semiconductor device The maximum dissipation with music like input signals decreases by 40 It is clear that the use of the TDA1563Q saves a significant amount of energy The maximum supply current decreases by approximately 32 which reduces the dissipation in the amplifier as well in the wh...
Page 25: ... 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q INTERNAL PIN CONFIGURATIONS PIN NAME EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT 1 2 16 17 and 3 IN1 IN1 IN2 IN2 and CIN 4 CSE 6 MODE 7 11 OUT1 OUT2 MGR182 1 2 16 17 3 VP1 VP2 VP1 VP2 MGR183 4 VP2 VP1 MGR184 6 MGR185 4 VP1 VP2 7 11 ...
Page 26: ...ilips Semiconductors Product specification 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q 8 10 OUT1 OUT2 12 SC 14 15 PROT CLIP PIN NAME EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT MGR186 4 VP1 VP2 8 10 MGR187 12 VP2 MGR188 14 15 VP2 ...
Page 27: ...ons of 0 25 mm maximum per side are not included SOT243 1 0 5 10 mm scale D L E A c A2 L3 Q w M bp 1 d D Z e e x h 1 17 j Eh non concave 97 12 16 99 12 17 DBS17P plastic DIL bent SIL power package 17 leads lead length 12 mm SOT243 1 view B mounting base side m 2 e v M B UNIT A e1 A2 bp c D 1 E 1 Z 1 d e Dh L L3 m mm 17 0 15 5 4 6 4 4 0 75 0 60 0 48 0 38 24 0 23 6 20 0 19 6 10 2 54 v 0 8 12 2 11 8 ...
Page 28: ...may be up to 5 seconds Suitability of through hole mount IC packages for dipping and wave soldering methods Note 1 For SDIP packages the longitudinal axis must be parallel to the transport direction of the printed circuit board DEFINITIONS LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS These products are not designed for use in life support appliances devices or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonab...
Page 29: ...2000 Feb 09 29 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q NOTES ...
Page 30: ...2000 Feb 09 30 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q NOTES ...
Page 31: ...2000 Feb 09 31 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 2 25 W high efficiency car radio power amplifier TDA1563Q NOTES ...
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