For technical support:
Software upgrade
1.1 Virgin mode
When the installation wizard is displayed, it is possible to directly upgrade the software
from the TV. To be able to upgrade you need to have a USB stick plugged in with a valid
software before starting the TV.
A valid software version to be recognized by the tv should be named
VES172HE_upgrade.bin into the root of a usb device. The software file called
VES172HE_upgrade.bin for your xxHFL2899 product is delivered into the package next
to this manual. Please follow below steps:
Copy the VES172HE_upgrade.bin file in the root directory of a formatted USB
device and connect the usb device to the usb input of the tv
If a valid software is found on the USB stick, you can upgrade the software by
pressing the
button on the guest remote control.
After the software is loaded successfully, the TV will go to standby mode, program
the software in the TV while the red LED is flashing on the TV and boot up again
with the installation wizard when finished.
Remove the usb device