Safety Instructions
Philips SDV2940
Indoor / Outdoor UHF / VHF Television antenna
Antenna grounding
If an outside antenna is connected to the receiver, make sure the
antenna system is grounded so as to provide protection against
voltage surges and built up of static charges. For more information
about the proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure,
grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge unit, size
of grounding connectors, location of antenna discharge-unit,
connection to grounding electrodes, and requirements for the
grounding electrode, see DIAGRAM TO LEFT.
Important Safety Notes
If you do not feel comfortable or competent to install this
antenna we recommend that you seek the assistance of a qualified
professional antenna installer.
Read the instructions for this device thoroughly before attempting
The installation or dismantling of any antenna near power lines is
dangerous. Each year hundreds of people are killed or injured while
attempting to install or service antennas. For your safety and proper
antenna installation, read and follow all safety precautions.
Outdoor antennas and lead-in conductors from antenna to a
building should not cross over open conductors of electric light or
power circuits. They should be kept away from all circuits to avoid
the possibility of accidental contact.
Each conductor of a lead-in from an outdoor antenna should be
connected with an antenna discharge unit. Antenna discharge units
(or Lightning Arrestors) should be located outside the building
between the point of entrance or the lead-in and the TV, and as near
as practical to the entrance of conductors to the building.
Choose an installation site for safety as well as performance.
All electric power lines, cable lines and telephone lines look alike.
To be safe, assume ANY overhead line can kill you.
Do not place an antenna where it could potentially fall on to, or
blow into a power line. If in doubt call your electric provider. Let
them review your site.
Outdoor antennas should be grounded with an approved lighting
arresting device. Local codes may apply. Use 8 AWG or larger
ground wire.
Height or other restrictions on antennas may apply to your
installation depending on your proximity to an airport, or local
Take the time to plan your installation procedure. Do all assembly
work on the antenna on the ground. Raise the completed antenna
after assembly.
lead‑in wire
discHarge Unit*
groUnd clamps
power service
groUnding electrode
system (nec art250, part H)
groUnd clamp
Example of Antenna Grounding
*Antenna Discharge Unit is not required if lead
in conductors are enclosed in a continuous
metallic shield that is permanently and
effectively grounded.
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2009-8-18 14:30:16