positive (+) wire for DC, any supply wire for AC
negative (-) wire for DC, other supply wire for AC
mechanical ground (differential voltage between any supply wire and mechanical ground
should be less then 50 V)
For a NTSC camera use class 2 type of wiring and a power supply compliant with UL1492. For
a PAL camera, use a power supply that meets the requirements for SELV circuit, according to
EN 60065 or EN 60742 only.
Mains voltage camera
Connect the camera to a power voltage of 100-240V~ 50/60 Hz.
The camera electronics are galvanically insulated from the camera power supply, to make a
system with more then one camera unsusceptible to ground loop problems.
Synchronization of more cameras can be obtained by connecting them to an AC power supply.
The cameras will be locked to the local AC power frequency. (When a DC power source is
used, the cameras will be internally locked.)
Iris control connector
Connect a DC iris lens (passive iris lens) or a Video iris lens (active iris lens) via the 4 pin
plug to this connector.
Pin configuration:
For DC iris:
For Video iris:
1: damping coil -
1: not used
2: damping coil +
2: video
3: drive coil +
3: +12V
4: drive coil -
4: ground
Set the AES switch 8 to ‘OFF‘ when a DC or Video iris lens is used.
Iris level adjustment
To adjust the brightness of the image when a DC iris lens is used.
AES and BLC switches
AES (Automatic Electronic Shutter control);
Set this switch to ‘ON‘ when a manual or fixed iris lens is used.
BLC (BackLight Compensation);
Set this switch to ‘ON‘ in a scene where backlighting results in a dark centre of the