© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual
Rev. 01 — 15 August 2005
Philips Semiconductors
Volume 1
Chapter 9: UART0
The UART0 RLS interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 011) is the highest priority interrupt and is set
whenever any one of four error conditions occur on the UART0 Rx input: overrun error
(OE), parity error (PE), framing error (FE) and break interrupt (BI). The UART0 Rx error
condition that set the interrupt can be observed via U0LSR[4:1]. The interrupt is cleared
upon an U0LSR read.
The UART0 RDA interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 010) shares the second level priority with the CTI
interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 110). The RDA is activated when the UART0 Rx FIFO reaches the
trigger level defined in U0FCR[7:6] and is reset when the UART0 Rx FIFO depth falls
below the trigger level. When the RDA interrupt goes active, the CPU can read a block of
data defined by the trigger level.
The CTI interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 110) is a second level interrupt and is set when the UART0
Rx FIFO contains at least one character and no UART0 Rx FIFO activity has occurred in
3.5 to 4.5 character times. Any UART0 Rx FIFO activity (read or write of UART0 RSR) will
clear the interrupt. This interrupt is intended to flush the UART0 RBR after a message has
been received that is not a multiple of the trigger level size. For example, if a peripheral
wished to send a 105 character message and the trigger level was 10 characters, the CPU
would receive 10 RDA interrupts resulting in the transfer of 100 characters and 1 to 5 CTI
interrupts (depending on the service routine) resulting in the transfer of the remaining 5
Values "0000", “0011”, “0101”, “0111”, “1000”, “1001”, “1010”, “1011”,”1101”,”1110”,”1111” are reserved.
For details see
Section 9.3.10 “UART0 Line Status Register (U0LSR - 0xE000 C014, Read Only)”
For details see
Section 9.3.1 “UART0 Receiver Buffer Register (U0RBR - 0xE000 C000, when DLAB = 0,
For details see
Section 9.3.7 “UART0 Interrupt Identification Register (U0IIR - 0xE000 C008, Read Only)”
Section 9.3.2 “UART0 Transmit Holding Register (U0THR - 0xE000 C000, when DLAB = 0, Write
The UART0 THRE interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 001) is a third level interrupt and is activated
when the UART0 THR FIFO is empty provided certain initialization conditions have been
met. These initialization conditions are intended to give the UART0 THR FIFO a chance to
fill up with data to eliminate many THRE interrupts from occurring at system start-up. The
Table 105: UART0 interrupt handling
Interrupt Type
Interrupt Source
Interrupt Reset
RX Line Status / Error OE
or BI
U0LSR Read
RX Data Available
Rx data available or trigger level reached in FIFO
U0RBR Read
UART0 FIFO drops
below trigger level
Character Time-out
Minimum of one character in the Rx FIFO and no
character input or removed during a time period
depending on how many characters are in FIFO
and what the trigger level is set at (3.5 to 4.5
character times).
The exact time will be:
[(word length)
8 + [(trigger level
number of characters)
8 + 1] RCLKs
U0RBR Read
U0IIR Read (if source of
interrupt) or THR write