iPlayer 3 User Guide
Chapter 3
Show Configuration Concepts
Understanding iPlayer 3 show configuration terminology and concepts will help you in the
upcoming chapters.
Shows contain visual effects and the parameters associated with those effects. iPlayer 3 can
display two types of shows:
Preconfigured shows stored and configured on iPlayer 3
Custom shows created and downloaded from ColorPlay 3
Visual effects range in complexity from a fixed color display to multi-color animations. Each
effect has multiple customizable parameters such as start color, end color, and fade time.
There are seven effect types available when setting up iPlayer 3 preconfigured shows.
You can work with 16 effect types when creating ColorPlay 3 custom shows.
Triggers specify show playback behaviors—for example, what happens at the end of a show or
how to transition to the next show. To be played back, therefore, you must associate each show
with a trigger.
Triggers are numbered 0-255 and associate show files with the following:
End Behavior:
Fade to black, loop, or jump to another trigger.
Transition Type:
Snap (no transition to next show), fade out-and-in, or cross fade (morph
with next show).
Pressing a Preset button on the iPlayer 3 faceplate, triggers a show. For example, pressing ,
activates trigger 1, which launches the show and the playback behaviors associated with it.