Philips FW-C155 Service Manual Download Page 14








This assembly drawing shows a summary of all possible versions.  For components used in a specific version see schematic diagram and respective parts list.













1101 E2
1102 D2
1103 C2
1202 J2
1203 K3
1206 K7
1207 K5
1208 G3
1209 K6
1300 F2
1507 F8
1707 C9
2101 D3
2102 D2
2103 C3
2104 E3
2105 D2
2106 D2
2107 D3
2112 E4
2119 C3
2120 C3
2124 C2
2125 C2
2126 C5
2127 D4
2128 D3
2129 D3
2130 C4
2131 D4
2132 C5
2133 C5
2134 C5
2135 C5
2136 E4
2137 E4
2138 C5
2139 D5
2140 D5
2141 D5
2143 D5
2144 D5
2145 E4
2146 E5
2147 E4
2148 E5
2149 C5
2150 E4
2152 D4
2153 D4
2154 D3
2155 D3
2159 D4
2161 E5
2163 E5
2164 D5
2165 D4
2166 D5
2167 D5
2169 E3
2202 G6
2203 G6
2204 G6
2205 G6
2206 G6
2220 J6
2221 K6
2222 K9
2223 K8
2224 K9
2225 K7
2226 H9
2227 G4
2228 G4
2229 G4
2234 G5
2243 J7
2245 I6
2321 G9
2322 G9
2323 G8
2324 G8
2325 H8
2326 H8
2327 I7
2328 I8
2329 I8
2330 H8
2331 J9
2332 J9
2333 F2
2334 H2
2335 G2
2336 G2
2337 I7
2338 I7
2339 I7
2346 I8
2501 G6
2502 F5
2504 H9
2507 G7
2508 G5
2511 F7
2512 G6
2513 G6
2514 F7
2517 G7
2518 H7
2519 F7
2520 H7
2521 F7
2522 H7

2531 F7
2532 G7
2535 F8
2536 F8
2547 G8
2548 G8
2549 G8
2550 G8
2551 H7
2552 G7
2560 H7
2561 G7
2565 F7
2566 H7
2570 I7
2589 F8
2590 H7
2591 F7
2592 H8
2593 F8
2594 H7
2597 G9
2598 H9
2599 I6
2600 H7
2641 F8
2642 G7
2643 G7
2681 G8
2682 G9
2683 G8
2703 B4
2704 D8
2705 B7
2706 C8
2708 E8
2709 E7
2710 E7
2711 D8
2712 D9
2713 C7
2714 D7
2715 D8
2716 E8
2718 D8
2719 C8
2721 B6
2722 B7
2723 B7
2724 B7
2725 C6
2726 C9
2727 B8
2728 C8
2730 C7
2731 C8
2732 C7
2733 C8
2735 B9
2737 B9
2738 D8
2740 E7
2741 E7
2743 E9
2744 E7
2745 D8
2747 D9
2748 C9
2749 C8
2751 E8
2752 B9
2753 E7
2754 E7
2755 D7
2756 D7
2759 B7
2760 C9
2761 C8
2762 D8
3101 C4
3102 D3
3103 D3
3104 E3
3105 D3
3113 E4
3119 E4
3132 C4
3134 C3
3141 D4
3142 C4
3144 E5
3145 D4
3146 D5
3152 E3
3153 E3
3154 D5
3155 D5
3156 E5
3157 E5
3158 E3
3159 E4
3160 E4
3161 E4
3167 E5
3168 D6
3169 D5
3170 E5
3172 D5
3176 C5
3181 C4
3202 G6
3208 H3
3213 I9
3214 H9
3242 I9
3246 H8
3247 I9
3248 I9

3249 I9
3252 I9
3253 I9
3256 K9
3257 K8
3258 K9
3259 G5
3260 G5
3261 G4
3263 F4
3264 G4
3269 G4
3272 I9
3311 G5
3312 G5
3313 G5
3318 G5
3321 G8
3322 H8
3325 H8
3326 H8
3327 H7
3328 H7
3329 G9
3330 G9
3331 H8
3332 H8
3333 F2
3334 G2
3335 H7
3336 J9
3337 I7
3341 J9
3342 I9
3507 F8
3509 H9
3511 F7
3512 F7
3513 G6
3514 F7
3521 F3
3522 F3
3523 F4
3524 F4
3531 C7
3532 B9
3533 C6
3534 C9
3537 F7
3538 F7
3539 F5
3539 G5
3545 F7
3546 E7
3562 F7
3563 H7
3568 G5
3569 G5
3570 G5
3571 G6
3572 G6
3591 F7
3592 H8
3593 F8
3594 G8
3610 H9
3618 G8
3683 G8
3684 G8
3686 G9
3687 G9
3688 G9
3689 G8
3692 G9
3701 B8
3704 B4
3705 B4
3706 D8
3707 B7
3708 B7
3709 B6
3711 C6
3712 C9
3713 B7
3714 B9
3715 C8
3716 B8
3717 C7
3718 C8
3719 C7
3720 C7
3721 C8
3722 C8
3724 C8
3725 B9
3726 B8
3727 B9
3728 B9
3729 B9
3730 B9
3731 D7
3733 E8
3734 E8
3736 D8
3737 E8
3738 E8
3740 E9
3741 E9
3742 D8
3743 D8
3745 D9
3746 D8
3747 D8
3748 D7
3749 D8
3750 D8
3752 C8
3753 C7

3754 E7
3755 C7
3756 C7
3757 C9
3758 B4
3759 C6
3760 B6
3764 D7
3765 E7
3766 C7
3767 D7
3768 E6
3769 E7
3770 E6
3771 C9
3772 E6
3773 C7
3774 D6
3775 D7
3776 D7
3777 D7
3778 B7
3779 D9
3780 E8
3781 C7
3782 B9
3785 B6
3787 B7
3788 C9
3789 B7
4103 E4
4106 D3
4107 D4
4108 D4
5102 C2
5109 E4
5110 E4
5111 E3
5112 E4
5114 E5
5119 D5
5121 D5
5123 C3
5130 C4
5131 C3
5202 J2
5403 F13
5701 B7
6103 D3
6105 D3
6106 D2
6107 D5
6120 E4
6130 C4
6131 D3
6201 G6
6202 G6
6220 K6
6221 J6
6222 K6
6223 J6
6224 K6
6225 J6
6226 K7
6227 J6
6228 K9
6229 G4
6230 G4
6232 K9
6233 K8
6235 F5
6236 I9
6238 J5
6239 K5
6250 G6
6255 F6
6256 F6
6320 H9
6549 I9
6550 I9
6551 I9
6703 D9
6706 D6
6707 D6
6708 D6
6709 D6
7101 D4
7102 C3
7103 C5
7111 E4
7112 D5
7119 E4
7201 G6
7234 F5
7235 G5
7244 I9
7245 I9
7247 I9
7248 H9
7249 G4
7250 H6
7301 H7
7320 G9
7321 G9
7322 J9
7400 G9
7503 G5
7504 G5
7506 G6
7511 G7
7681 G9
7682 G9
7704 B7
7711 E8
7712 D8
7713 D7
7714 E7
7715 C7

7716 C9
7717 E7
7718 D7
7719 D7
9101 E5
9103 D5
9104 E3
9105 D5
9106 D4
9107 C3
9108 D3
9109 C5
9228 K6
9253 J5
9273 K3
9300 K3
9302 I8
9304 I8
9305 I7
9307 H9
9310 I2
9311 I2
9491 G6
9492 F6
9500 F3
9501 F3
9502 F3
9503 E3
9505 F4
9506 I3
9510 E3
9534 I6
9554 J6
9560 F8
9561 F8
9600 F7
9601 F9
9602 F9
9603 F9
9604 F9
9605 F9
9606 E9
9607 E9
9614 G7
9615 G6
9616 G7
9620 H7
9622 H6
9623 J7
9624 I7
9625 J7
9626 J7
9628 H6
9629 H6
9630 F6
9631 F6
9633 F5
9634 F4
9635 F3
9636 J8
9637 J8
9638 I7
9639 I6
9650 F7
9652 I8
9653 J8
9654 I8
9655 I7
9656 K7
9659 J6
9660 K4
9661 J7
9662 I7
9663 K4
9664 K4
9665 K7
9700 F9
9701 B5
9702 B5
9703 B6
9704 F6
9708 B7
9709 C6
9710 C6
9711 C8
9713 D7
9714 B8
9715 B8
9717 D7
9718 F7
9719 F7
9720 F7
9721 F7
9730 D7
9739 B8
9740 F8
9741 B8
9742 F9
9750 C7
9751 B9
9752 B6
9753 H3
9781 F6
9800 K9
9801 K9
9802 K9
9803 K9
9804 J9
9805 J9
9806 J9
9807 J9
9808 J9
9809 I9
9810 H9
9811 F9
9812 F9
9813 F9
9814 F9

9815 F9
9816 F9
9817 E9
9818 E9
9819 D9
9820 D9
9821 D9
9822 D9
9823 D9
9824 D9
9825 C9
9826 C9
9827 C9
9828 C9
9829 C9
9830 C9
9831 B9
9832 D9
9834 I8
9850 E9
9851 K7
9851 E9
9852 K6
9853 K6
9861 J2

Summary of Contents for FW-C155

Page 1: ...ock diagram 4 Set Wiring diagram 5 Front and Combi Board 6 Tape Mechanism 9 3CDC LLC MCD1 10 Set Mechanical Exploded view parts list 11 Copyright 2001 Philips Consumer Electronics B V Eindhoven The Netherlands All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying or otherwise with...

Page 2: ...Jog Shuttle Voltage Selector x Aux Input Digital Output Headphone Socket x x x Line Output Subwoofer Output Surround Output Matrix Surround Loudspeakers Standby Clock Display x x x Standby Dark VERSION VARIATIONS Type Versions FW C155 Features Board in used C O M B I B O A R D FRONT BOARD C D B O A R D ...

Page 3: ...nsitivity at 26dB S N 4 4mV M Selectivity at 18kHz bandwidth 18dB IF rejection 45dB Image rejection 28dB Distortion at RF 50mV m 80 5 AMPLIFIER Output power 1 2 x 5W 1dB Frequency response within 3dB 50Hz 15kHz Dynamic Bass Boost DBB ON DBB Off 2 Digital Sound Control Jazz Techno Optimal Rock 2 Headphone output at 32Ω 900mV 1dB max Vol CASSETTE RECORDER Number of track 2 x 2 stereo Tape speed 4 76...

Page 4: ...z e g 7122 707 48001 LF Voltmeter e g PM2534 DUT S N and distortion meter e g Sound Technology ST1700B Frame aerial e g 7122 707 89001 Tuner AM MW LW To avoid atmospheric interference all AM measurements have to be carried out in a Faraday s cage Use a bandpass filter or at least a high pass filter with 250Hz to eliminate hum 50Hz 100Hz RF Generator e g PM5326 Ri 50Ω Bandpass 250Hz 15kHz e g 7122 ...

Page 5: ...Hz 4822 397 30155 SBC429 Audio Signals disc 4822 397 30184 Dolby Pro logic Test Disc 4822 395 10216 ESD Equipment Anti static table mat large 1200x650x1 25mm 4822 466 10953 Anti static table mat small 600x650x1 25mm 4822 466 10958 Anti static wristband 4822 395 10223 Connector box 1MΩ 4822 320 11307 Extension cable to connect wristband to conn box 4822 320 11305 Connecting cable to connect table m...

Page 6: ...n osservazione della più grande cauzione alla loro manipolazione Durante le riparazioni occorre quindi essere collegato allo stesso potenziale che quello della massa dell apparecchio tramite un braccialetto a resistenza Assicurarsi che i componenti e anche gli utensili con quali si lavora siano anche a questo potenziale Pour votre sécurité ces documents doivent être utilisés par des spécia listes ...

Page 7: ...h the gear slowly towards the front as shown in figure Dismantling the 3CDC Module 3 until the CDC tray starts to move out of the Front Cabinet pos 8 The CDC tray is now disengage and can be pulled out completely 4 Remove the Cover Tray pos 29 as shown in figure 4 5 Loosen 4 screwsAto remove the CDC Module pos 28 as shown in figure 3 A A A Turn the Gear towards the Front till the CDC Tray starts t...

Page 8: ... Combi board pos 33 to the Panel front pos 8 3 Remove 1 screw F see figure 5 mounting the Mains transformer body to the Panel Bottom pos 25 Note Care must be taken not to damage the board because of the heavy Mains transformer 4 The Front and Combi boards together with the Mains transformer can now be remove 5 Loosen 6 screws G and eject both cassette doors to remove the Tape mechanism pos 12 Note...

Page 9: ...ded FM1 65 81MHz 74MHz is toggled on and off for East Eur 34 version Y N Y N Y N DIM Button pressed DIM Button pressed 9 Button pressed DISPLAY TEST Display shows Fig 2 and selected LEDs on see note 2 Display shows Fig 1 and selected LEDs on see note 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 note 2 OPTIMAL is on while JAZZ TECHNO are off other LEDs status are not important applicable only for sets with LEDs note 1 JAZZ...

Page 10: ...4 1 BLOCK DIAGRAM 4 1 FW C155 Block diagram dd wk142 5 ...

Page 11: ...5 1 SET WIRING DIAGRAM 5 1 FW C155 Wiring Diagram dd wk142 5 ...

Page 12: ...11 G 2 4 12 G 2 3 2 7 9 G 2 2 2 1 2 0 P 1 1 9 P 2 1 8 P 3 1 7 P 4 1 6 P 5 1 4 P 7 1 3 P 8 1 2 P 9 1 1 P 10 1 5 P 6 1 0 P 11 9 P 12 8 P 13 7 P 14 6 P 15 5 P 16 4 3 2 1 F 1 4G a h j p k b f m g c e r n d 10G 6G a h j p k b f m g c e r n d 12G B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 5G a h j p k b f m g c e r n d 3G a h j p k b f m g c e r n d 1G 7G a h j p k b f m g c e r n d Col Dp 8G a h j p k b f m g c e r n d 9G a h j p...

Page 13: ... grid 530 1700kHz 3 For AM RF adjustments the original frame antenna has to be used 2 RC network serves for damping the IF filter while adjusting the other one 4 MW has to be aligned before LW Waverange Input frequency Input Tuned to Adjust Output Scope Voltmeter FM 87 5 108MHz 65 81 74 87 5 108MHz FM MW version 9kHz grid 531 1602kHz as low as possible Playback LEFT RIGHT mV meter Check limits see...

Page 14: ...533 C6 3534 C9 3537 F7 3538 F7 3539 F5 3539 G5 3545 F7 3546 E7 3562 F7 3563 H7 3568 G5 3569 G5 3570 G5 3571 G6 3572 G6 3591 F7 3592 H8 3593 F8 3594 G8 3610 H9 3618 G8 3683 G8 3684 G8 3686 G9 3687 G9 3688 G9 3689 G8 3692 G9 3701 B8 3704 B4 3705 B4 3706 D8 3707 B7 3708 B7 3709 B6 3711 C6 3712 C9 3713 B7 3714 B9 3715 C8 3716 B8 3717 C7 3718 C8 3719 C7 3720 C7 3721 C8 3722 C8 3724 C8 3725 B9 3726 B8 3...

Page 15: ...533 C6 3534 C9 3537 F7 3538 F7 3539 F5 3539 G5 3545 F7 3546 E7 3562 F7 3563 H7 3568 G5 3569 G5 3570 G5 3571 G6 3572 G6 3591 F7 3592 H8 3593 F8 3594 G8 3610 H9 3618 G8 3683 G8 3684 G8 3686 G9 3687 G9 3688 G9 3689 G8 3692 G9 3701 B8 3704 B4 3705 B4 3706 D8 3707 B7 3708 B7 3709 B6 3711 C6 3712 C9 3713 B7 3714 B9 3715 C8 3716 B8 3717 C7 3718 C8 3719 C7 3720 C7 3721 C8 3722 C8 3724 C8 3725 B9 3726 B8 3...

Page 16: ...131 A4 2132 A4 2133 A4 2134 A2 2135 A2 2136 A1 2137 A1 2138 A3 2139 A3 2140 A3 2141 A3 2143 A2 2144 A2 2145 B2 2146 B2 2147 B2 2148 B2 2149 A5 2150 D3 2152 B5 2153 B5 2154 C5 2155 C5 2159 B5 2161 C2 2163 C2 2164 A3 2165 C4 2166 B2 2167 B2 2169 A4 3101 B5 3102 C5 3103 C4 3104 D4 3105 D5 3113 D3 3119 D3 3132 A6 3134 A5 3141 B4 3142 B4 3143 A4 3144 A4 3145 A4 3146 A2 3152 A1 3153 A1 3154 A1 3155 A2 3...

Page 17: ...47 A5 3248 A4 3249 A4 3252 A4 3253 A4 3256 B3 3257 B4 3258 B3 3259 B4 3260 B4 3261 B4 3263 B4 3264 A6 3269 A5 3272 A4 3311 A3 3312 A3 3313 A3 3318 A2 3321 D3 3322 C3 3325 D3 3326 C3 3327 D2 3328 C2 3329 D3 3330 C3 3331 D2 3332 C2 3333 D1 3334 C1 3335 D2 3336 C2 3337 C2 3341 C3 3342 C3 3507 D3 3509 B2 3511 D6 3512 D6 3513 D6 3514 C6 3521 D6 3522 D6 3523 D6 3524 D6 3531 C5 3532 C5 3533 C5 3534 C5 35...

Page 18: ...05 A2 3706 A5 3707 A3 3708 A3 3709 B3 3711 B5 3712 A4 3713 C6 3714 C6 3715 B5 3716 B5 3717 B5 3718 B5 3719 B5 3720 B5 3721 B5 3722 B6 3724 B6 3725 A5 3726 A5 3727 A4 3728 A4 3729 A5 3730 A5 3731 B5 3733 C5 3734 C5 3736 D5 3737 C5 3738 C6 3740 C6 3741 B6 3742 D5 3743 D6 3745 D5 3746 C6 3747 D5 3748 D5 3749 A5 3750 A6 3750 A6 3752 A6 3753 B5 3754 D5 3755 D5 3756 D5 3757 C5 3758 B2 3759 B3 3760 B3 37...

Page 19: ... 3432 C5 3433 C4 3435 C4 3436 B5 3437 B4 3438 B4 3439 B5 3444 B4 3445 B4 3446 B4 3447 B4 3448 B4 3449 B4 3450 B4 3451 B4 3452 B4 3453 B3 3454 B3 3455 B3 3456 B3 3457 B3 3458 B3 3459 B3 3460 B3 3462 B3 3464 D4 3465 D4 3466 D4 3467 D4 3468 D4 3469 D4 3470 D4 3471 D4 3472 D4 3473 D4 3474 D4 3475 D4 3476 D4 3477 D4 3478 D4 3479 D3 3480 D3 3481 D3 3482 D3 3483 D3 3484 D3 3485 D3 3486 D3 3487 D3 3488 D3...

Page 20: ...490 G13 3491 G13 3492 F13 3493 G13 3494 G13 3495 G13 3496 F13 3497 F13 3498 F13 3500 G13 3501 G13 3503 F13 3504 F13 3505 F13 3506 G13 3510 F13 3525 H13 3526 H13 3527 H14 3528 H14 3529 H14 3530 I14 3536 E13 3550 D12 3551 D13 3552 D13 3553 C13 3558 C12 3559 C11 3560 C11 3561 C11 3570 G5 3600 K11 3601 J11 3632 B14 3633 B10 3634 B11 3921 H13 3922 I13 3923 I13 3924 I13 4003 E14 4004 E14 4005 E14 4401 D...

Page 21: ...13 3490 G13 3491 G13 3492 F13 3493 G13 3494 G13 3495 G13 3496 F13 3497 F13 3498 F13 3500 G13 3501 G13 3503 F13 3504 F13 3505 F13 3506 G13 3510 F13 3525 H13 3526 H13 3527 H14 3528 H14 3529 H14 3530 I14 3536 E13 3550 D12 3551 D13 3552 D13 3553 C13 3558 C12 3559 C11 3560 C11 3561 C11 3570 G5 3600 K11 3601 J11 3632 B14 3633 B10 3634 B11 3921 H13 3922 I13 3923 I13 3924 I13 4003 E14 4004 E14 4005 E14 44...

Page 22: ...47 CHIP CAP 0 1UF 25 Z F 2143 9965 000 11249 CHIP CAP Y5V 0 22U 25V F0603 2144 9965 000 11236 ELEC CAP 1UF 50V SME TP 5MM 2145 4822 126 13883 220PF 5 50V 2146 4822 126 13883 220PF 5 50V 2147 4822 126 13883 220PF 5 50V 2148 4822 126 14238 CER2 0603 X7R 50V 2N2 COL R 2150 9965 000 11247 CHIP CAP 0 1UF 25 Z F 2152 9965 000 11575 560PF 34 2152 4822 126 13648 0 033UF 50V 21 37 2153 4822 122 33752 15PF ...

Page 23: ...M 2324 9965 000 11236 ELEC CAP 1UF 50V SME TP 5MM 2327 9965 000 11242 ELEC CAP 47UF 50V M TP 5MM 2328 9965 000 11242 ELEC CAP 47UF 50V M TP 5MM 2329 9965 000 11228 MYLAR CAP 0 047UF 50V 2330 9965 000 11228 MYLAR CAP 0 047UF 50V 2331 9965 000 11370 EL CAP 1000UF 16V 2332 9965 000 11370 EL CAP 1000UF 16V 2333 9965 000 11228 MYLAR CAP 0 047UF 50V 2334 9965 000 11228 MYLAR CAP 0 047UF 50V 2335 9965 00...

Page 24: ... 000 11273 CARBON RES 1 4W 1K T26 3523 4822 051 30472 4K7 5 0 062W 3524 4822 051 30472 4K7 5 0 062W 3525 4822 051 30331 330R 5 0 062W 3526 4822 051 30331 330R 5 0 062W 3527 4822 051 30331 330R 5 0 062W 3528 4822 051 30331 330R 5 0 062W 3529 4822 051 30331 330R 5 0 062W 3530 4822 051 30331 330R 5 0 062W 3531 9965 000 11288 CARBON RES 1 4W 4 7K T26 3532 9965 000 11288 CARBON RES 1 4W 4 7K T26 3533 9...

Page 25: ... RES 1 4W J 47K TP 26MM 3778 9965 000 11276 CARBON RES 1 4W 100K T26 3779 9965 000 11274 CARBON RES 1 4W 10K TP 26MM 3780 9965 000 11294 CARBON RES 1 4W 330K TP 26MM 3781 4822 051 30681 680R 5 0 062W 3782 9965 000 11297 CARBON RES 1 4W 680R TP 26MM 3785 9965 000 11280 CARBON RES 1 4W 220R TP 26MM 3787 4822 051 30221 220R 5 0 062W 3788 9965 000 11297 CARBON RES 1 4W 680R TP 26MM 3789 9965 000 11297...

Page 26: ...PARTS LIST TAPE MECHANISM 23 4822 278 90596 LEAF SWITCH 35 4822 403 40513 PINCH ROLLER ARM ASSEMBLY 40 4822 358 30921 RF BELT SMALL 41 4822 278 90744 LEAF SWITCH MSW 17820MVD 58 4822 528 81415 MOTOR PULLEY 59 9965 000 11410 MAIN BELT BIG 65 9965 000 11411 PLAY HEAD AP 4211L S3 66 9965 000 11411 REC PB HEAD AP 4211L S3 67 9965 000 11412 ERASE HEAD 68 9965 000 11413 MOTOR M9T12U20 T Note Only the pa...

Page 27: ...9 2 EXPLODED VIEW Motor Assembly ...

Page 28: ...nts 10 2 Blockdiagram 10 5 Component Layout Main Board 10 6 Circuit Diagram part1 10 7 Component Layout Main Board 10 8 Circuit Diagram part2 10 9 Exploded View 10 10 Partslist 10 12 3CDC LLC MCD1 3 Disc Carousel Changer Layout stage 3 ...

Page 29: ... WHEN CONNECTING A NEW CD MECHANISM THAT S WHY BESIDES THE SAFETY MEASURES LIKE SWITCH OFF POWER SUPPLY ESD PROTECTION ADDITIONAL ACTIONS MUST BE TAKEN BY THE REPAIR TECHNICIAN fig 1 Attention The laser diode of this CD drive is protected against ESD by a solder joint which shortcircuits the laserdiode to ground For proper functionality of the CD drive this solder joint must be removed after conne...

Page 30: ... of Tray Service hints 1 Open the tray 2 Release 2x catch as shown in fig 2 and Detail A 3 Pull tray out fig 2 Assembling of Tray 1 Turn Cam pos 48 clockwise to end position 2 If necessary move Guiding pos 49 to the right end position 3 Insert the Tray ...

Page 31: ...10 4 Service Position ...

Page 32: ...COGNITION 6 7 4 5 1882 closed if carousel is in Position 1 1883 1883 open if carousel is in a valid Play Position CD RW 3V CD DA 0V EQ Selection Closed if the tray is in one endposition Open during movement Open if the drive is in one endposition Closed during movement VDD pin 16 EN1 pin 15 Power on FOCUS MOTOR RADIAL MOTOR SLEDGE MOTOR MOTOR TURNTABLE 55 54 56 59 1 16 13 9 12 9 12 13 16 6 7 2 780...

Page 33: ...8 E4 3799 E4 3800 E3 3801 E4 3802 F4 3803 D4 3804 C3 3805 D4 3806 D4 3807 D4 3808 D4 3809 D2 3811 F4 3813 F4 3814 D4 3818 F3 3819 C3 3820 F3 3821 F3 3822 F3 3825 E3 3826 E3 3827 D4 3828 D2 3831 C2 3832 C3 3833 F4 3834 F4 3837 D2 3838 D2 3839 E2 3840 E3 3841 D2 3842 D2 3843 E2 3844 F2 3845 D2 3846 E2 3847 G2 3849 E2 3850 E1 3853 E4 3858 B5 3859 B5 3860 B4 3861 C4 3862 C4 3863 D2 3864 C4 3865 B4 386...

Page 34: ... Amplifier DOBM F C 3863 G13 MP858 G8 MP859 E10 MP860 C2 MP872 C15 MP873 H4 MP875 F13 MP876 E2 MP877 E3 MP878 B13 MP879 B11 39K 3721 47n 2835 470n 2894 100n 2820 2812 33p 2834 33p GND GND 3704 1R 27p 2856 3800 2826 47u 3802 2K2 3795 10K 3803 33p 2833 2836 47n 1810 TF01 EBUGND 2807 2815 GND GND 3 3V 330K 3849 1K 3837 58 VSSD3 35 WCLI 28 WCLK 470R 3873 63 V1 34 V2 V3 61 V4 62 V5 5 VDDA1 17 VDDA2 52 ...

Page 35: ...8 E4 3799 E4 3800 E3 3801 E4 3802 F4 3803 D4 3804 C3 3805 D4 3806 D4 3807 D4 3808 D4 3809 D2 3811 F4 3813 F4 3814 D4 3818 F3 3819 C3 3820 F3 3821 F3 3822 F3 3825 E3 3826 E3 3827 D4 3828 D2 3831 C2 3832 C3 3833 F4 3834 F4 3837 D2 3838 D2 3839 E2 3840 E3 3841 D2 3842 D2 3843 E2 3844 F2 3845 D2 3846 E2 3847 G2 3849 E2 3850 E1 3853 E4 3858 B5 3859 B5 3860 B4 3861 C4 3862 C4 3863 D2 3864 C4 3865 B4 386...

Page 36: ...SW_INFO POS1 rec RIGHT EBUGND 2860 10u 2878 220p 3874 10K 3858 47K 1K 3891 BAS216 6876 1880 10K 3878 9 12 5 3 4 8 11 15 7871 TDA7073A 14 10 2 1 6 7 16 13 OUT1 220R 3898 1 2 3 4 5 GNDA 1875 FE ST VK N 220R 3887 47p 2877 3744 10K 3741 22K 7875 BC847B 3899 100R 3R3 3851 4811 3872 10K 2867 220p 3746 10K 3860 220p 2862 3715 100K 10K 22K 3713 3879 100K 2858 220u 470R 3893 10K 3714 3742 22K 220p 2893 BC8...

Page 37: ...5 3103 304 06980 NAIL FIXATION 46 3103 304 06880 GEAR 2 47 3103 304 66530 BRACKET LOAD 48 3103 304 06910 CAM 49 3103 304 66510 GUIDING 51 3103 304 06900 GEAR 4 52 3103 304 06870 GEAR 1 53 3103 304 06960 PULLEY FRAME 54 3103 304 66910 DRIVING BELT DRAWER 55 4822 361 10753 TRAY MOTOR 56 4822 502 12548 SCREW M2 6X3 5 57 3103 304 69880 COVER MCD1 59 4822 466 12146 RUBBER MECHANICAL PARTS Drawer Chapte...

Page 38: ...10 11 3CDC LC Drawer assy 1999 09 13 37 20 32 35 33 36 29 31 34 24 30 3x 27 24 22 20 23 25 21 26 28 Drawer top view Drawer bottom view X spare part non spare part Y ...

Page 39: ...83 220µF 20 4V 2855 4822 122 33172 390pF 5 50V 2856 4822 126 13691 27pF 1 63V 2857 5322 126 11583 10nF 10 63V 2858 4822 124 12245 220µF 20 16V CAPACITORS 2860 4822 124 11947 10µF 20 16V 2861 4822 124 11947 10µF 20 16V 2862 4822 126 13883 220pF 5 50V 2863 4822 126 13883 220pF 5 50V 2865 4822 126 14494 22nF 10 25V 2867 4822 126 13883 220pF 5 50V 2872 3198 024 44730 47nF 5 50V 2873 4822 124 80231 47µ...

Page 40: ...Ω 1 0 1W RESISTORS 3880 4822 051 30392 3 9kΩ 5 0 06W 3881 4822 117 13632 100kΩ 1 0 06W 3882 4822 117 12925 47kΩ 1 0 06W 3883 4822 117 10833 10kΩ 1 0 1W 3884 4822 051 30271 270Ω 5 0 06W 3885 4822 117 10833 10kΩ 1 0 1W 3886 4822 117 12925 47kΩ 1 0 06W 3887 4822 051 30221 220Ω 5 0 06W 3888 4822 117 10833 10kΩ 1 0 1W 3889 4822 051 20471 470Ω 5 0 1W 3890 4822 051 30102 1kΩ 5 0 06W 3891 4822 051 30102 1...

Page 41: ... 5322 130 60123 BC807 40 7808 4822 130 60511 BC847B 7809 4822 130 60511 BC847B 7810 4822 130 60511 BC847B 7812 4822 130 60511 BC847B 7874 4822 130 60511 BC847B 7875 4822 130 60511 BC847B INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 7803 5322 209 82941 LM358D Dual Opamp 7805 4822 209 33165 TDA1308T N1 7806 4822 209 32852 TDA7073A N2 7807 4822 209 32852 TDA7073A N2 7871 4822 209 32852 TDA7073A N2 7873 5322 209 11306 HEF4094...

Page 42: ...EXPLODED VIEW MAIN UNIT 11 1 FW C155 Exploded View dd wk143 D3 x 10 D3 x 12 D3 x 10 D3 x 10 D3 x 12 D3 x 12 M2 x 3 D3 x 10 D3 x 10 D3 x 10 D3 x 10 D3 x 12 M3 x 6 M3 x 6 1401 11 1 ...

Page 43: ...2 BUTTON SET SOURCE VOLUME 18 9965 000 11183 BUTTON SET CONTROL 19 9965 000 11184 BADGE PHILIPS 29 9965 000 11185 DOOR CDC 31 9965 000 11186 FOOT RUBBER SQ 1401 9965 000 11187 MAINS TRANSFO 120V 240V 21 1401 9965 000 11190 MAINS TRANSFO 230V 34 1401 9965 000 11193 MAINS TRANSFO 120V 37 1800 9965 000 11188 FLEX CABLE 15PIN 1 25MM 35CM 9965 000 11189 AC CORD BLACK SOLDERED 21 9965 000 11191 AC CORD ...
