List of Abbreviations
GB 51
List of Abbreviations
+12V main supply voltage from PSU +12V supply voltage from PSU
+12VA supply v12V supply voltage for Audio part
+5V main supply voltage from PSU +5V supply voltage from PSU
+5VA supply v5V supply voltage for Audio part
+9SRVPWR IC7558 ->- IC7240 PoWeR supply for SeRVo driver IC
12VPWR supply v12V supply voltage for servo part
-8V main supply voltage from PSU -8V supply voltage from PSU
-8VA supply voltage -8V supply voltage for Audio part
A(1:20) IC7701 -> R3818,R3819, R3820, R3821,
R3897 -> IC7703
Address lines 1 to 20 between DASP and flash ROM
A(10:20) IC7701 -> R3819, R3820, R3821 -> IC7702 Address lines 10 to 20 between DASP and DRAM
A1 IC7010 -> IC7270 amplitude of the “land” reflection relative to the average EFM, voltage
output, OPC input
A1LF, A2LF CONN1000 -> IC7010 satellite photo diodes A1, A2 current output
A2 IC7010 -> IC7270 amplitude of the “pit” reflection relative to the average EFM, voltage
output, OPC input
A-8V supply voltage -8V supply voltage for servo part
AEGER Analog Error signal GEnerator for Recordable
AINTON IC7008 -> IC7010 Alpha INTegrator ON (to AEGER)
ALE IC7270 -> R3213 -> IC7209, IC7300IC7270
-> R3230
Address Latch Enable; external address latch strobe line, freeze
address when low
ALPHA0 IC7270 -> IC7010 analog voltage mode output from OPC D/A converter
ALS IC7008 -> IC7010 Alpha Loop Switch (to AEGER)
ASTROBE IC7008 -> IC7010 Alpha STROBE (to AEGER)
ATIP Absolute Time In Pre-groove (sync signal)
ATIPSYNC IC7300 -> IC7270 ATIP SYNC signal
ATT IC7270 -> R3717, R3722IC7270 -> IC7701 ATTenuation request from MACE2 to audio DAC, active low; means
that the output can be attenuated in case of search activities
B1LF, B2LF CONN1000 -> IC7010 satellite photo diodes B1, B2 current output
BCLK IC7701 -> R3898A -> IC7300 I2S1 BitCLocK from DASP to CDR60 (playback and record)
BE_RESET IC7701 -> R3261 -> IC7270IC7701 ->
Basic Engine RESET, active high
BIASC IC7008 -> R3056 BIAS Current switch CDRW output
BKPT CONN1819, R3907 -> IC7701 JTAG mode select / debug mode BreaKPoinT
C1LF, .. , C4LF CONN1000 -> IC7010 Central photo diodes C1, C2, C3, C4 current output
CAGAIN R3016,R3115 -> IC7010 set-point laser power on disc, current input
CAHF CONN1000 -> C2374 Central Aperture (central photo diodes) High Frequency current output
CALF IC7010 -> IC7270 Central Aperture (central photo diodes) Low-pass Filtered signal (DC
coupled EFM signal), voltage output, OPC input
CAS0 IC7701 -> IC7702 Column Address Strobe DRAM for upper byte
CAS1 IC7701 -> IC7702 Column Address Strobe DRAM for lower byte
CDR IC7008 -> IC7355 CDR strategy detected output (active high)
CDR60CFLG IC7300 -> R3382B -> CONN1812 serial output of error corrector status information of the CDR60-
decoder, to be measured at test connector
CDR60CL1 IC7300 -> R3382C -> CONN1812 output of CLock signal for testing system clock of IC CDR60 at test
CDR60CS IC7270 -> R3235B -> R3702, IC7300 CDR60 Chip Select, active high
CDR60INT IC7300 -> IC7270 CDR60 INTerrupt line, active low
CDR60LWRT IC7300 -> R3048 CDR60 Laser WRiTe control output
CDR60MEAS1 IC7300 -> R3382A -> CONN1812 serial output of information about jitter, PLL frequency and asymmetry
of bit recovery block in CDR60, to be measured at test connector
CDR60PLL IC7270 -> R3305 -> IC7300 CDR60 clock multiplier enable, active high
CDRW IC7355D -> IC7355CIC7355D ->
inverted CDR-strategy-detected signal
CLK_OUT IC7701 -> R3771 -> CONN1819 system CLocK OUT
CLK_SYS IC7701 -> R3727, R3731 oscillator output
COS- CONN1220 -> IC7225B Hall feedback signal from sledge motor